Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1848 Someone Framed Me

Chapter 1848 Someone Framed Me
Zhang Kefu frowned unhappily, why should he be searched after losing something?

However, facing Teacher Shang's serious gaze, he didn't dare to say anything.

The guards really searched everyone, but found no money, and then, the bed and luggage.

Among the four students who searched first, one of the money in the luggage of one of the students was oily, but it was a coin with a denomination of one yuan, which was far away from 20!
"What's the matter with your money?"

The teacher stared at him and asked, one of them was also suspicious, regardless of the amount of money.

"I don't know, I really don't know, I didn't take it."

That male classmate was about to cry, who would check to see if there was oil in his money?
The teacher called him aside first, and the male student looked at him listlessly, with tears rolling in his eyes, looking very aggrieved.

Zhang Kefu looked at him suspiciously, pursed his lips and said nothing, he lost more than 20 yuan, where did he get the money?

Zhao Jinchuan clenched his fists and watched silently. He looked a little nervous when he watched the guard turn over to Qin Guofeng's bed. After all, there was a precedent about that male classmate. What if his money was worth it!
The first thing he found was more than a dozen yuan. In his pocket, there was a lot of it scattered. There was no oil in it. He seemed relieved.

Then the guard went through his luggage, but he didn't care, just stood aside and watched carelessly.

"found it."

The guard found an envelope in the trousers at the bottom of his luggage. There seemed to be something in it. When he poured it out, he found that it was exactly 29 yuan.

And basically there is oil on the money, which looks dirty.

"Impossible, how is it possible?"

Qin Guofeng stared at it with wide eyes. It wasn't his property. When did he put the envelope in his trouser leg?

And the money, he had never seen it before.

But he couldn't tell why these things were found in his luggage and kept so secret?
Zhang Kefu didn't believe that he took it, and already wanted to say that he might have lost it when he climbed over the wall, so let's just say it, isn't it more than 20 yuan?It's not like he can't afford to lose it.

Looking at the envelope in disbelief, he took it from the guard's hand, saw his name on the envelope, looked at Qin Guofeng with wide eyes, and said something through gritted teeth.

"This envelope is mine."

"Qin Guofeng, the evidence is convincing, should we go to the police station to solve it, or ask your parents to come and expel him."

The teacher looked at Qin Guofeng with a dark face, and shouted "Stop the thief", he had seen it.

Just now he consciously guided Zhang Kefu, saying that he lost it when he climbed over the wall.

Now that I think about it carefully, what I said back then was to search for everyone, so he must have been scared to say that.

Stealing is an act that the school must not condone. After the theft is over, if you frame up your classmates, this person cannot stay.

"It's not me, the teacher is really not me, I have never done it, who is so wicked, put the money in my luggage, it is too bad, too inhuman, and I will die."

Qin Guofeng was so frightened that he began to cry, cursing while crying, his voice hoarse, as if he was about to collapse.

"You all make your beds and go to class."

The teacher first gave instructions to Zhao Jinchuan and the others, then looked at Qin Guofeng, and said sadly: "You let me down so much."

"Take him to the security department, and I will report to the principal. The money is evidence, Zhang Kefu, and I will return the money to you after the matter is settled."

"Teacher, it's really not me, you believe me, I didn't do it, someone set me up."

(End of this chapter)

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