Chapter 1858

When she said this, the second daughter-in-law also found out that Zhang Changshui blocked her husband's hand in order to protect Yaomei. With that posture, he would beat anyone who dared to touch Yaomei.

"Don't you say I haven't noticed it yet, it seems to be! He treats her unusually?"

Yaomei's second sister-in-law also widened her eyes, feeling very jealous. Although this gentleman is not too tall, he is full of heroism and looks like a man.

With a straight back and piercing eyes, this kind of man is the best in the mountains. Those men in the mountains have such a style?

Just say that my man, when he sits over there, looks like he has no bones, leaning around, slouching, standing without a posture, and sitting without a posture.

Yaomei's fiancé, she has seen it before, has a leg problem, walks crookedly, is as thin as a stick, has bulging goldfish eyes, has a dark and red face, and has a good nose on the whole face, tall and straight, The mouth is similar to the eyeballs, and they all protrude, and the teeth, which go in and out, are twisted and crooked. People in the mountains don't like to brush their teeth. He smokes again, and the roots of his teeth are black and yellow, and he laughs very disgustingly.

She looked at it but felt that her heart was very balanced. The man she was looking for was Zhou Zheng and had no disabilities. The Huang family was one of the best among the people living in this mountain. They could eat meat three times a month, which was not bad. .

She thought she was a flower in the mountains, and my sister-in-law had to find someone worse than herself.

But this iron-blooded man is a hundred times stronger than her man in every way, not to mention the polio, he is not worthy to carry his shoes.

Then you must never let them do it, or you will feel uncomfortable in your heart.

【People are like this, they don’t want others to be good when they are bad, bad nature is hard to change】

Huang Yaomei didn't know that her act of drinking water for Zhang Changshui caused her a lot of trouble. The second sister-in-law was actually jealous of her and wanted to play tricks on her.

The boss went to find the parents of the Li family, but he would not be able to come back so soon. Yaomei's father ignored them, squatted on the ground and lit a pipe, and smoked for a while, thinking about how to suppress the arrogance of the Li family.
Seeing that his daughter-in-law was fine, the second child stuffed the milk doll into her arms, rolled a cigarette by himself and squatted beside his father to smoke it. The two of them didn't see Yaomei at all.

Yaomei's mother, looking at her daughter distressedly, wiped her tears silently, but dared not say a word for her.

No one greeted him, Zhang Changshui pulled the stool by himself, sat next to Yaomei, and held Yaomei's hand in front of the Huang family, his eyes were firm.

"Yaomei, are you hungry?"

The Huang family doesn't care about Yaomei, but Zhang Changshui doesn't care about her, so he asked Yaomei softly.

"Not hungry."

In this situation, Yaomei was full of anger and didn't feel hungry at all. Hearing Zhang Changshui's words, she just shook her head slightly and stopped talking.

"Eat something! I didn't eat on the train."

But Zhang Changshui insisted on letting her eat whether she was hungry or not. He was not willing to drink that bowl of water, so he kept it for Yaomei!
Yaomei's mother, who was on the side, heard the conversation between the two of them, and she shed tears even more fiercely. She secretly looked at her husband, hoping that he would speak and cook something for Yaomei.

The children in the yard hid aside and looked at Yaomei secretly. The two luggage bags on the ground caught their eyes. Is there something delicious in them?

Yaomei's mother walked towards her man, squatted beside him and discussed with him in a low voice: "Yaomei has been hungry for a day, can you cook her something to eat, that comrade sent Yaomei back after traveling through mountains and rivers, just passing the door , can I cook something for you? Even simple meals are fine, you can’t let people just leave like this, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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