Chapter 1859
Her voice was very low, and her eyes were full of pleading, how could she not feel sorry for the child she gave birth to!
But in front of her daughter-in-law, she insisted on one thing, but in front of her husband, she could only obey orders honestly and dared not disobey a little bit, otherwise she would not be able to escape with a belt.

The Huang family talked about the battered daughter-in-law who kneaded the dough, and the filial sons born under the stick. Whether it is a daughter-in-law or a son or daughter, it is the same, that is, force suppression.

"Fart, the food is blown by the strong wind? Yaomei will have no allowance in the future, don't worry, you want to drink the northwest wind? Besides, that brat just wanted to beat me! The yard is full of food, and I won't give it to you." He eats one."

Yaomei's father stared, raised his voice and cursed loudly, this was intentionally scolding for Zhang Changshui!

"She is your own daughter."

Zhang Changshui was furious after hearing this, and slammed the table to stand up. It is impossible for this kind of elder to point to himself for respect.

"My daughter, you don't need to worry about it."

Huang Yaomei's father was taught by Zhang Changshui twice in a row today, and immediately became angry, pointing at the door to drive him out.

"Go away, the Huang family doesn't welcome you."

Dare to go to his own house to point fingers, does this person not want to live?

"Ha, no, the leader said that I can only leave after ensuring the safety of Comrade Huang Yaomei. You don't care, the unit has a hospital, and I will take her back."

Zhang Changshui's eyes widened, and he got angry and yelled at Yaomei's father. The sound from his dantian made the eardrums of the people nearby hurt. The children covered their ears in fright, and ran to hide beside their mothers.

Zhang Changshui raised his eyebrows, and looked at Yaomei's father fiercely, wanting to compete with the iron-blooded man, but he gave it for nothing.

"You don't make sense."

Huang Yaomei's father's face turned pale with anger, but after seeing the chill in Zhang Changshui's eyes, he dared not drive him away again. He represented the unit and he couldn't afford to mess with it.

Angrily squatting back on the ground, he turned his head and glared at his daughter. It was her who challenged his majesty.

Yaomei looked up at Zhang Changshui with anxiety in her eyes.She held back all the way, and now she wanted to go to the bathroom.

But in his own home, asking Zhang Changshui to take her to the toilet would cause even greater dissatisfaction from her father.

"Mom, I want to go to the bathroom."

She had no choice but to look to her mother for help. After hearing this, sister Yao ran over and called to the two daughters-in-law standing at the door of the house: "Come and help, dead man! They are all watching the fun over there."

The eldest daughter-in-law frowned and reluctantly walked out of the house, while the second daughter-in-law refused to move, and asked her to wait on Huang Yaomei to pee, which made her sick to death.

"Mom. I'm holding the baby! I can't let go."

She raised her voice and looked at the man. Fortunately, he handed the child to her, otherwise she would have to serve her sister-in-law.

After hearing this, the eldest daughter-in-law rolled her eyes in displeasure. She didn't want to serve Huang Yaomei either. The toilet was so smelly, so she still had to look at her there?
"Mom, we are the only ones who can't move Yaomei."

She turned her eyes to find an excuse, and looked at Zhang Changshui secretly. Seeing that he was anxious to hug Yaomei, the corners of her mouth curled up.

How did Yaomei go to the bathroom along the way?Don't be served by this man, right?
Isn't everything seen by others? In the mountains, this is a woman who has lost her virginity. Will the Li family want it?
Thinking about it, a malicious light flashed in his eyes: "Yaomei, why did you go to the bathroom on this journey? You have been on the train for two days!"

When she asked this, the whole family looked at Zhang Changshui in unison, especially Huang Yaomei's father, their eyes were red.

The eldest girl was stared at by men before she went out, which humiliated her family.

He stood up abruptly, angrily dragged his second child towards Zhang Changshui.

(End of this chapter)

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