Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1860 Who Said Who Has a Bad Mind?

Chapter 1860 Who Said Who Has a Bad Mind?

"Tell me, have you seen my Yaomei's body?"

The big eye bag pointed at Zhang Changshui's nose, as long as he said yes, he would smash it all at once.

"The passengers in the car are much more kind-hearted than your family members. Naturally, there is a kind-hearted elder sister to help."

Regarding Yaomei's reputation, seeing Yaomei's blushing face and angry eyes, Zhang Changshui didn't tell the truth, but lied.

"Then who are you scolding? Who are you saying that you have a bad heart?"

At the beginning, Yaomei's father took back the pipes and pots, but after thinking about it, he didn't think about it.

What does it mean that people on the train are better-minded than their family members? Doesn't that mean that they are not good-hearted?
Zhang Changshui slapped the cigarette pot away, who was he pointing at?How rude?

Ask him coldly: "Yaomei wants to go to the toilet now, you are all her family, who will help?"

One sentence blocked Yaomei's father back, and glared at the second daughter-in-law, cheating and playing tricks.

"Second brother, go and pick up the child and ask your wife to send Yaomei to the bathroom."

What he said was the imperial decree, and the second child hurried to do it.

The second daughter-in-law turned pale.He glared at his man angrily, "Come if you are told, why are you so obedient?"Reluctantly handed over the child to him.

Before handing it over to him, he rolled his eyes and pinched his son's thigh fiercely. The little baby was in pain and cried earth-shatteringly.

"Dad, it's not that I won't go, you see the child won't follow Tiedan."

She immediately raised her voice to call Yaomei's father, the child was crying, and I couldn't go.

"Cry, cry, cry, these little brats, cry endlessly every day."

Yaomei's father scolded angrily, but didn't continue to ask her, and ordered the second child to help carry Yaomei to the toilet.

The daughter-in-law and the eldest daughter-in-law can almost support Yaomei.

The second child glared at his daughter-in-law, she didn't go, and went by himself instead.

His wife twisted her waist and carried the child into the house, ignoring him at all.

Helpless, the second child had no choice but to carry his sister on his back and walk towards the toilet.

The toilet at Yaomei’s house is in the backyard, and it is open-topped. It can only surround half of the person’s body to hide their shame. There are only two wooden boards for squatting in the pit.

In the mountains in the south, there is a lot of rain, and there is an indescribable smell in the toilet. Flies are buzzing around, and as soon as people enter, the flies attack their faces.

Huang Yaomei's face turned red, she was about to pee her pants, and she had to get a tuba, the second brother was obviously reluctant, and walked very slowly.

She had to urge.

"Second brother, I'm in a hurry, can you hurry up?"

"What's the rush? Why do you come back with this virtue? Find something for me."

The second child scolded impatiently, and didn't care if the sister was uncomfortable or not?Anyway, I despise her very much.

Huang Yaomei lowered her head sadly, clenched her fists tightly with her hands, her nails sank deeply into the tender flesh of her palms, what her family did really made her very sad.

After finally getting to the door of the toilet, the second child threw Yaomei on the ground, and he ignored it.

"You guys do it!"

He frowned and shouted at his mother and sister-in-law, and he wanted to leave.

"Don't go! You have to carry it back! Mom and I can't carry it."

The eldest daughter-in-law hates it in her heart!The second daughter-in-law was lazy and ran away, but she had to wait for her sister-in-law to shit in the toilet full of flies?

There was dissatisfaction in her tone of voice, and she didn't want to hide away, but she didn't do it.

Huang Yaomei was thrown to the ground by the second brother, she was paralyzed on the ground and could not move, her clothes were covered with dust.

She looked at her second brother in humiliation, with tears in her eyes. After only one day, second brother became impatient?
(End of this chapter)

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