Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1862 Is This Your Daughter

Chapter 1862 Is This Your Daughter
The eldest led Lao Li's parents and spouse, as well as Yaomei's matchmaker into the house. As soon as he entered the yard, he heard the second son shouting at the top of his voice.

The faces of the parents and spouse of the old Li's family changed immediately. It was feudal in the mountains, and if the body of the daughter-in-law was seen by others, it would be tantamount to being slept by someone, which is a shame.

"Brother Huang, what's going on?"

The matchmaker's expression was also not good, and he frowned and questioned Yaomei's father.

"Ah, my second child is yelling, sit down."

Huang Yaomei's father was stupefied, his face darkened, he forced a smile, and asked the matchmaker to sit with the Li family.

"No. We'd better go and have a look."

Yaomei's future mother-in-law refused with a cold face, and pushed Huang Yaomei's father away to the backyard. She had to take a look, if that was the case, this daughter-in-law could no longer be taken.

"Auntie, are you thirsty?"

The eldest daughter-in-law just turned around from the backyard, and when she saw Yaomei's mother-in-law, she hurriedly opened her arms to block her.

The second child was beaten just now, and Zhang Changshui carried Yaomei into the toilet. She saw it all, and was about to come back and tell her father-in-law!

But the family members can make any noise, this matter cannot be seen by Yaomei's mother-in-law, otherwise the marriage will have to be blown.

When the marriage was over, she and the second daughter-in-law had to take care of her sister-in-law every day, which was not a good day.

"Step aside."

Yaomei's mother-in-law is also a pungent character, if she pushed the eldest daughter-in-law away, if she didn't stop her, she would think it was the second child talking nonsense, but if she stopped her, it would appear that there is a ghost in their family.

The eldest daughter-in-law didn't expect that she would push her away, and was almost pushed down by Yaomei's mother-in-law, and she was a step too late to stop her.

"Stop, this is the Huang family, not your Li family, how can you go on the rampage, are you polite?"

Yaomei's father yelled from behind, his voice a little annoyed.

Old ladies, he couldn't reach out and pull, he could only be in a hurry.

How could Yaomei's mother-in-law listen to him: "So what if it's your Huang family, Yaomei is still a daughter-in-law who has never been in the Li family!"

As he said that, the speed under his feet became faster, and he came to the backyard.

As soon as he turned to the backyard, he saw Zhang Changshui walking out of the toilet with Yaomei in his arms.

Immediately, she was so angry that her eyes turned red, she rushed over and scratched Zhang Changshui's face.

"Be the ice, you seduce a woman from a good family."

Zhang Changshui dodged and yelled at her in a cold voice: "Stop, or I'll be impolite."

His voice sounded like thunder, with a burst of vigor, Yaomei's mother-in-law was shocked, and watched him walk towards the front yard with Yaomei in his arms.

Thinking that there was still his man and son in the front yard, he immediately regained his confidence.

"The head of the family, this man hugged his younger sister to the toilet, and he saw all of his body. We can't have this daughter-in-law."

She hurriedly ran to the front yard, and shouted at her man in front of Yaomei's father.

"Mother-in-law, don't get excited. My younger sister is injured. He sent it to the toilet. It was my wife who took off her pants. Don't get me wrong."

At a time like this, it's not just about the bride price, it's also about the reputation of the Huang family. Therefore, Huang Yaomei's father quibbled and shouted to his mother-in-law with a smile on his face.

"What? Injured? What kind of injury?"

Li's father frowned when he heard this, and raised his voice two points.

Whoever proposes to withdraw from the engagement, there is a saying about this dowry.

The son has polio again, so it is difficult to find a wife. He wants to settle things down, get married first, and then take care of his daughter-in-law.

Now hearing that she was injured, it should not be a different matter.

"Why is it so ugly? Is this your daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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