Chapter 1863
The matchmaker is a relative of the Li family, so naturally her heart is towards the Li family, and she also knows that it is difficult for Yaomei to find a wife, so she wants to take this opportunity to get some dowry and save less loss.

When she saw Huang Yaomei who Zhang Changshui put on the stool, her eyes widened, her face looked scary.

At this time, the sun was setting and the moon was rising. Yaomei's face looked more terrifying than during the day, and she was so scared that she took a few steps back. Is this a human or a ghost?
"Yes, Yaomei was injured a little bit, how about this, we don't want the second betrothal gift, you take Yaomei away now, you don't have to deal with it, and you can save some money."

Huang Yaomei's father accompanied Smiley to discuss with Li's family. Before the normal marriage, there was still a lot of dowry. He felt that he was a lot of money. He didn't want the money, and he didn't need them to arrange natal guests, which was a big concession for him.

"She is paralyzed, she has to be waited on by people when she poops and urinates, and she becomes like a ghost again. When she wakes up at night and sees it, what should I do if I scare my son to death? Don't cheat people, return the gift quickly, girl, you still Keep it to yourself!"

Yaomei's mother-in-law was furious, the Huang family really shameless, wanted to put a paralyzed person in her house, and let them thank him for not wanting a second betrothal gift?

"That's right, Brother Huang, you are too unkind, aren't you?"

The matchmaker also opened his mouth in dissatisfaction, just like this, he is paralyzed again, and no one wants change, but no one wants it!
"Don't say anything, return the betrothal gift, your daughter was seen by a man just now, my family doesn't want this kind of daughter-in-law."

The person in charge of the Li family slammed the table, and someone who came up first made a big noise, and everyone knew that Yaomei was seen by Zhang Changshui.

Zhang Changshui silently guarded Yaomei, and the ugly performances of both sides made him sneer endlessly.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are an ice bastard, get out of here, and use you to fool your good intentions."

Seeing the Li family shouting, Yaomei's father turned pale and looked at Zhang Changshui who was standing next to Yaomei. It was because of him that his family was so passive and had a bad reputation.

Angry and pointing at the door, he drove Zhang Changshui away.

"I can't leave until Comrade Huang Yaomei's safety can be ensured."

Zhang Changshui replied with a sneer, ignoring his faults at all.

"Haha, did you see, reluctant to let go, our son will fulfill them, spit out the bride price quickly, or don't blame us for being rude."

Yaomei's future father-in-law sneered, looked at the old yellow head, and resolutely withdrew the engagement and the betrothal gift.

Whoever wants an ugly monster will have to be waited on when going to the toilet, and if he buys an old sow, he can also sell piglets for money. Marrying her back is useless.

"No money."

The old Huangtou stared, he was used to being domineering at home, and he was also domineering and unreasonable to the Li family.

Moreover, the Li family used to coax his family, and the old Huangtou was sure about the Li family, thinking that they were afraid of his three points, so he continued to be superior.

"Okay then, let's move."

The old man of the Li family was not a good person either, so he stood up and walked towards his house.

"Boss, second child, dead man! Call me out and carry Yaomei to his house. You want to be Chen Shimei! My old Huangtou is alive, so I can't let you bully my daughter like this."

Seeing Li Jiaming robbing, the old Huangtou ordered the two sons to fight. The third child is studying in the county!Otherwise, who would dare to seduce the three dragons.

He glanced at Zhang Changshui out of the corner of his eye, and he couldn't be intimidated.

(End of this chapter)

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