Chapter 1864

"I don't think any of you dare to beat me? Let's pretend that there is no one in our old Li's house! The whole Li family will come here, and your family will be leveled."

Old Li stood at the door of Huang's house, not afraid of Yaomei's father's threat at all, with his hands on his hips, roaring loudly.

Lao Li's family is also a large family, with more people than Huang's family. The people in the mountains are united, and relatives can support the family from all directions.

The eldest and the second child of the Huang family were also fierce. When they heard their father's order, they yelled as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. They found a shovel and a hoe, held it up high, and rushed towards Old Li's head with a shout.

The matchmaker and Yaomei's future mother-in-law screamed and tried to grab them, but they pushed them to the ground. Yaomei's fiancé struggled to stand up, trying to help his father, but was dragged to sit by the old Huangtou. to the ground, pointing at him and threatening.

"Chen Shimei, listen to me, Yaomei, if you dare not marry me, I will break your leg."

"Long water."

Yaomei tugged on Zhang Changshui's skirt anxiously, with pleading eyes.


Zhang Changshui didn't want to be nosy at first, so he let them bite dogs, because they are not good things.

But seeing Yaomei in such a hurry, he felt distressed. For Yaomei, he rushed over to snatch the murder weapon from the two brothers.

"Get out, I blame you for making my sister unable to get married, what a good person to pretend to be."

The boss didn't know that the second child was beaten by Zhang Changshui, so he still stared at him!
"Yaomei has relatives like you, it's just sad."

Zhang Changshui couldn't suppress the hostility in his heart anymore. In front of these people, he knocked the shovel and hoe on his leg, broke both of them, threw them aside, and looked mockingly at the people in the yard.

When he saw the boss and the second rushing over, the old man of the Li family was also scared. A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. No matter how many people are in the family, didn't they not bring them here?

He turned around and ran into the house, closed the door and resisted firmly inside, seeing Zhang Changshui holding him back, he walked out triumphantly.

"Look, someone said that you are not human! My daughter is paralyzed, and she wants to be stuffed into my house. It's a beautiful idea"

"Shut up and say, how much dowry to the Huang family?"

Zhang Changshui didn't have a good impression of him either, he scolded him like Comrade Xunxin, pointed at his nose coldly and asked, he wanted to know how much the Li family gave as a gift, so that the Huang family would rather watch their daughter being bullied by them, Also forcing her to marry?

Old Li was overwhelmed by this aura of being a comrade. The way he broke off the handle of the shovel and the handle of the hoe just now was too violent, and now he was staring at him fiercely, and he was even more frightened in his heart.

Swallowing his saliva, he took a step back carefully, making sure he was safe before he dared to speak.
"The first stubble gift is 280 yuan, plus a little piglet."

"Aren't you reluctant to return such a small amount of money? Knowing that Yaomei will suffer if she marries, are you really so cruel?"

Hearing that such a small amount of money is not enough for Yaomei's annual salary, the members of the Huang family are reluctant to return it?

Zhang Changshui couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. Is money really that important?Don't even want your own daughter?

"You said it lightly, so how much money? Do you pay? If you give money, then the engagement will be divorced. You should pay the money in the first place. Yaomei divorced because of you."

The old Huangtou didn't feel ashamed at all, instead he asked Zhang Changshui for money confidently.

"Okay, I'll pay for the divorce, but you have to promise me one thing."

(End of this chapter)

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