Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1870 She smiled desperately

Chapter 1870 She smiled desperately
"Yes, after the training in the unit, I wanted to practice secretly, but the training ground was blown up. Normally, I would have to go to the trial court. The leader took pity on me for being injured, so he didn't let me lose money, but the unit can't give me any more money. see a doctor."

Huang Yaomei has seen through her father's greedy nature, and also understands what Zhang Changshui said, so she immediately nodded, making up something more similar than Zhang Changshui?

"Tell me about you, what are you doing nonsense? If you work hard in the propaganda team, you can do this? Prodigal son, lose money, I don't want you anymore."

When Huang Yaomei's father heard this, he was furious. Since there was no use value, he was still a drag now, so he had no other thoughts.

After pointing at Yaomei and cursing, he went to pick up a pen to sign his name, and pressed his fingerprint.

Huang Yaomei clenched her fist tightly, seeing her father sign the paperwork to sever the relationship between father and daughter, her heart seemed to be torn apart, and tears could not stop falling down.

It's so sad that she was abandoned by her family just like that.

"Old woman, you can't write, I wrote your name, come here and press your fingerprint."

At this time, Yaomei's father didn't feel sad at all, he looked at his wife and said hello.

Without the relationship between father and daughter, in case the unit asks for compensation, with this, he can play tricks and not pay.

Huang Yaomei's mother cried so much that she hugged Yaomei tightly.

"My poor girl, mom is sorry for you, but mom also has difficulties, so don't hate us."

Huang Yaomei closed her eyes and leaned against her mother's arms. This was the last time, and she would never have her mother's love again.

"Stop the ink, come and sign."

Old Huangtou saw his wife crying, and his daughter was crying there too, fearing that she would be soft-hearted and say something, he ordered her loudly, urging in his voice.

"Mom, let me call you Mom one last time. In this life, this family, I will not come back again. I wish you take care of yourself."

Huang Yaomei raised her head from her mother's arms and looked at her aging face. Since she was a child, although her mother didn't beat her, she always scolded her for losing money. She gave her brother and younger brother all the delicious food. She could only watch , Patriarchal, deeply ingrained in my mother's heart.

Thinking of these, my heart gradually became cold, and I said some unfeeling words.

Yaomei wiped away her tears with her sleeve, and sighed heavily: "Girl, this is your life, women can't help themselves, who made you not a boy?"

After she finished speaking, she stopped looking at her daughter, walked to the table with heavy steps, pressed her thumb on the red ink pad, and her finger turned red instantly.

Huang Yaomei shed tears silently, watching her mother press her handprint on the paperwork. Family affection failed to overcome the old concept. This must be the fate of women in the valley.

Closing her eyes, disheartened, she smiled in despair.

From then on, she was a girl without a home.

"Okay, it's all signed."

Zhang Changshui took a look at the two agreements, and moved his hands away from the money. Old man Li acted quickly and snatched the money into his hands immediately.

Zhang Changshui didn't pay any attention to him, the matter had already been settled, and he didn't want to stay in this place for a minute.

Yaomei was crying so sadly, he felt distressed, but he couldn't show it, this heartless family would not give her any warmth if he stayed.

When the village chief over there saw that the matter was settled, he wanted to sneak away, so as not to stay and be complained by the old yellow head.

"Village chief, please send a car to take us to the station."

Zhang Changshui saw it, and immediately called him to stop, wanting to leave?How easy is that?
(End of this chapter)

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