Chapter 1871

"Ah? What time is it? You can't walk on the mountain road at night, it's very dangerous."

The village chief looked at him in embarrassment. There is a donkey cart in the village, but who dares to go out in the middle of the night?He can't make fun of his life by arranging others, can he?
Hearing this, Zhang Changshui frowned, and glanced at the old Huangtou, who was smoking dry cigarettes, and had no intention of keeping them here.

Yaomei's mother secretly tugged on his sleeve, but Yaomei's father rolled his eyes, and was too scared to make a sound.

It's obvious that they don't intend to keep them.

The old Huangtou had his own ideas, didn't the dead girl have stiff wings?
Now that he has broken away from the relationship, he will not stay at his house overnight, where will love go?
"Then arrange a place for us to live in."

Seeing this, Zhang Changshui's lungs were about to explode, so he simply ignored him and spoke directly to the village chief.

When the team came to collect ice and couldn't go back, the village had to arrange a place to eat and live, so it was the village head's obligation.


The village head looked at the old Huangtou, his daughter, why can't he stay for one night?
"Old Huang, your family has a place to live, so why not just let your daughter and this comrade live at home?"

The village chief walked over and gave Old Huang a push, and discussed with him in a low voice.

"Who is the daughter? How can I have a daughter? Didn't you see what you signed just now? The wings are hard, and they are about to fly. Cut off the father-daughter relationship with me. My temple is too small to keep this big Buddha. It's not too early Let’s all go back to sleep and close the door.”

The old Huangtou knocked the cigarette pot on the ground, said something strangely, stood up and told his family to go to bed, it was an order to evict the guests.

He doesn't even give face to the village head, let alone others.

"Look, this is also a kissing father, son, fortunately we didn't become in-laws with his family, the tiger's poison doesn't eat children! Are you so cruel to your own daughter?"

Seeing the unfeelingness of the old Huangtou, the old man Li sneered and helped his son up, and said in a strange way.

"Fart, I gave you the money, what are you still doing at my house? Get out."

The old Huangtou became angry with embarrassment and pointed at the door to drive the Li family away.

"Of course I have to go. Who is staying in your heartless family? Ask me for 1000 yuan, and I won't come again."

Old Li made a mockery, and took his family away tirelessly.

The villagers outside the courtyard wall were deeply touched and understood everything. They felt that what the Li family said was right, the old yellow head was too poisonous, and he treated his own daughter like this, and it couldn't be better for outsiders.

They all talked about leaving, and some people even started to assert that if they have a daughter in the future, they can't live with the third child of the Huang family.

Huang Yaomei wiped away her tears, not only stopped crying, but a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, she looked at Zhang Changshui and asked, "Can you carry me down the mountain?"

I don't want to stay in this sad place all night, so why let people drive me away?

Zhang Changshui stood up, looked at Yaomei's despairing eyes, smiled with one corner of his mouth, and answered affirmatively: "Yes."

"Then let's go!"

Huang Yaomei showed him a bright smile. Her family abandoned her, but she found a lover who was worth entrusting to her for life. Why did she cry?
"it is good."

Zhang Changshui looked at Yaomei distressedly, agreed, walked over to carry the luggage bag he brought, and squatted in front of Yaomei.

"Sister Yao, think about Mom from now on, don't forget me."

Huang Yaomei's mother felt very uncomfortable. Her daughter couldn't even stay at home for one night?The old man was too cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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