Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1874 Laughing is Uglier Than Crying

Chapter 1874 Laughing is Uglier Than Crying
Seeing Sihui's gaze, Huang Yaomei looked at her expectantly.

"Well, it's at my house! It just so happens that I'm going back to deliver the milk, so follow me!"

Lu Sihui looked at her and smiled, she must never forget the paralyzed life these days.

"Did Zhang Changshui bully you, sister Yao, tell me that as long as he bullies you, we won't marry him."

Lu Sihui looked at Yaomei and asked her domineeringly, the complacency in Zhang Changshui's eyes was instantly replaced by nervousness.


He whispered her name and held her hand tightly. On the way back, he made a promise for life, can't we forget it?
"No, he treated me very well. I am willing to marry him. When I can stand up, I will make a marriage report."

Huang Yaomei looked at Zhang Changshui affectionately, her eyes were full of love for him.

He has never left him since he became so ugly. You can't find such a man in the world anymore. Why don't you marry him?
"Okay, I approve."

Lu Sihui smiled, and she could tell from the eyes of these two people that they were in a honeymoon period, and they couldn't be separated if they touched their eyes, and she was just a light bulb, so it's better not to talk.

He drove back to the family building, stopped at the door of his house, and saw Li Yanhong and Zhou Zisong coming out of the house.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Lu Sihui got out of the car and said hello, the sister-in-law had finished delivering the milk.

"You just came back, little tiger, little leopard crying from hunger, and Aunt Su is making milk powder! Seeing Zixu's letter, I don't want my son anymore. You are not qualified as a mother."

Li Yanhong looked at Lu Sihui and complained, she wanted to help feed her, but she also had two children, barely enough to eat, so she couldn't help Sihui.

"Brother, let's go first! I'll go back to work and take my sister-in-law with me in a while."

Lu Sihui didn't rush to explain to her, she looked at Zhou Zisong and said something first.

Zhou Zisong nodded with a sinking face, and glanced at his watch. He was going to a meeting with his superior unit in an hour, and the time to send Yanhong was indeed a bit tight.

After Zhou Zisong left, Lu Sihui pulled Li Yanhong and asked her to guess with a smile, "Guess who's in my car?"

"Who is it? Number One is here? Why don't you get out of the car?"

Li Yanhong looked into the car with a smile, and when she saw clearly that it was Zhang Changshui, she nodded with a smile, and it turned out that they had returned.

But when she saw Huang Yaomei sitting beside him, the smile on her face froze.

Li Yanhong couldn't believe it and asked, "You are? Yaomei? What happened to your face?"

"Have you forgotten? That medicine can change a person's appearance."

Lu Sihui laughed, how could Li Yanhong be so forgetful after being pregnant for three years.

"Can it change back?"

Li Yanhong grinned, laughing was uglier than crying, if she let herself become like this, she would never agree to it, Yaomei really went all out.

"Yes, you can chat with Yaomei first, and I will feed the baby."

Lu Sihui nodded affirmatively and stepped into the room.

When she entered the room, Aunt Su was feeding the little tiger with milk!
The little tiger kept his mouth tightly shut, looking like he would rather die than surrender, which was very playful.

"Aunt Su, give it to me!"

Lu Sihui hurried over to have a baby, and when she heard her mother's voice, the little tiger and the little leopard laughed and danced excitedly.

Lu Sihui's heart was softened by the cuteness, she happily touched her son's little face, untied her clothes and nursed her.

"Sihui, why didn't you come back with Yanhong?"

"There is something wrong with my unit. Aunt Su has thanked you for your hard work."

Lu Sihui explained with a smile that she didn't say it was because of Zixu's letter, she wanted to read it before coming back.

Looking down and seeing the little leopard lying in the car, Lu Sihui couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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