Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1875 The light of hope in the eyes

Chapter 1875 The light of hope in the eyes

The little guy was biting his finger while watching his brother breastfeeding, drooling greedily.

Seeing the cute and silly look of the little leopard, Lu Sihui smiled even more, and comforted the little leopard's chubby face with her hands.

"Wait, brother will be up to you after eating."

The little leopard looked at his mother with big black eyes, and grinned as if hearing her words. Lu Sihui teased him with her chin raised: "The little leopard is so pretty."

The little leopard giggled and danced like a dance, happy.

The little tiger who was eating food in his arms stopped eating when he heard his younger brother's laughter, and laughed along with his younger brother, looking at his mother, hoping to draw her attention back.

Seeing that the boss had finished eating, Lu Sihui put him back in the car, and picked up the little leopard who had been waiting for a long time.

Over there, Aunt Su was busy changing diapers for the little tiger. Looking at the little tiger's chubby, fleshy arms like lotus roots, Aunt Su smiled and said to Lu Sihui: "The four were born within a day, the little tiger And Xiaobaozi, why are they so much fatter than Xiaolong and Xiaofeng?"

Lu Sihui watched her son kicking there happily, with a loving mother's smile on her face.

"My son can eat it!"

She is also a little strange, the little tiger and the little leopard seem to be a month older than Xiaofeng and Xiaolong.

"Maybe your milk is better than Yanhong, nourishing the child."

Aunt Su changed the diaper for the little tiger and rewrapped it. The bright smile on the little tiger's face disappeared in an instant, and was tied up again, so he could only use his hands.

Lu Sihui felt distressed when she saw it, and wanted to take off the rope: "Aunt Su, it's almost time! It's almost [-] days, do you still need to tie it?"

"Don't feel bad, I tied it very loosely. If I don't tie it up, my legs will become bowed easily, and it won't look good when I grow up."

Aunt Su looked at Sihui seriously, she was very stubborn about this matter.

"Aunt Su, don't worry! I won't be bow-legged. Untie my son! It hurts me to see it."

Seeing the little tiger's aggrieved look, Lu Sihui's heart softened, and she asked Aunt Su.

The child's mother had spoken, and Aunt Su was just a nanny, so she had to obediently help the little tiger untie his leggings.

The little tiger started giggling immediately, he lifted his legs up, and grabbed his feet with his own hands, having a great time playing.

Lu Sihui was amused and laughed, her two sons are so easy to satisfy.

After feeding the baby, she went upstairs and pretended to get medicine for Yaomei, but in fact, she went into the space capsule and asked the robot for nano-robots.

Outside, Li Yanhong was still comforting Huang Yaomei:
"Don't worry, Dr. Tang's medical skills are very good. Grandpa cured all the tumors."

Zhang Changshui held Huang Yaomei's hand without hesitation, and looked at her with a smile: "Even if it can't be cured, I want you."


Yaomei looked at him with red eyes, she didn't want to be a burden to Zhang Changshui.

"I am back."

Lu Sihui came out of the room with a happy face, and her voice was full of joy. The time spent interacting with her son filled her with happiness.


Huang Yaomei's eyes flashed with anticipation, she looked at her hand nervously, why is it empty handed?
The light of hope in his eyes dimmed instantly.

She lowered her head sadly, looking at her immobile feet, with tears in her eyes.

It can't really be like this all your life, can it?

"Go, go back to the unit."

Lu Sihui pretended not to see, opened the door and got into the car, ready to start the engine.

Seeing the sadness in Yaomei's eyes, Zhang Changshui thought that Lu Sihui had forgotten, so he ran to the cab to stop her and remind her, "Sister-in-law, where's the medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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