Chapter 1877

"Brother, you've worked hard. How expensive is a pack of cigarettes? Smoke it, it's gone. Next time I come, I'll give it to you."

Zhou Zixu patted him on the shoulder and said boldly.

"Hehe, thank you then."

The postman happily put the cigarettes in his pocket, one yuan and fifty cents a box!How can I be willing to smoke such good cigarettes with my salary?

"It tastes really good."

The postman took two puffs, and when he reached the end of the cigarette, he was reluctant to throw it away.

"That's right! Do you believe in a lot today?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Zhou Zixu's bright peach eyes, and his eyes were fixed on the green canvas bag the postman put the letter in.

"Okay, what's your name?"

The postman threw the cigarette butt that could not be smoked on the ground, and reluctantly spit out the last puff of cigarette. Seeing Zhou Zixu looking at the pocket, he smiled.

People have to ask for something under the courtesy. If someone gives such expensive cigarettes, it is not meaningful if you don't give them convenience.

"Zhou Zixu."

Zhou Zixu smiled and showed his small white teeth, and announced his tuba.

"Well, I really have your letter, take it first!"

The postman remembered the name when he heard the name, and smiled at Zhou Zixu. He was the one who came to ask for a letter last time, but he didn't give it to him then.

It's strange to be persistent, this time I also know that the gift-giving has gone through the back door.

He took out a letter from a pile of letters and handed it to Zhou Zixu. He whispered to Zhou Zixu:

"Be careful, don't let people find out, or I won't be able to eat and walk around."

"Do not worry!"

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows at him, and put the letter in his pocket calmly: "Brother, see you next week."

He saluted the postman, and the relationship became closer, which would be convenient in the future.

When the instructor saw the letter sent from the mail room, doubts flashed in his eyes. It has been two weeks and Zhou Zixu's family has not written a letter. Isn't it normal?

In the past, there were almost three letters a week, but they were suddenly cut off. Could it be that something happened to Zhou Zixu's family?

Zhou Zixu's name is well-known in the school. Last time he came to Junguan School for special training, he made a big splash.

The big leader of City B said that he is a key training target and asked to report on his study status at any time.

This situation shows that Zhou Zixu's future is limitless.

Therefore, he decided to give Zhou Zixu a back door.

Zhou Zixu happily went to the woods, stretched his body, climbed up the big tree, sat cross-legged on the tree, the branches covered his figure, and he couldn't be seen outside at all.

When he opened the letter and saw Lu Sihui's words, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Inside the letter was a picture of Sihui holding her two sons. Himself, is what he is familiar with.

The chubby little faces of the two sons were pink and cute, and the big black eyes looked at him curiously. The little leopard was still gnawing on his fingers, looking like a greedy cat.

Zhou Zixu shook his head and sighed, stretched out his thumb and rubbed the faces of the mother and son, he missed them so much.

After looking through it, I found that there was one person missing. Where is his eldest daughter?Sihui didn't even give him a photo of his daughter.

Carefully put the photo in the jacket pocket close to the heart, it feels like hugging them, the hearts are stuck together.

Look at Sihui's handwriting that is similar to her own, flamboyant, with a hint of domineering air.

The corners of Zhou Zixu's mouth curled up even more.

There were no sweet words or words like I miss you in the letter. I told him about Huang Yaomei and Zhang Changshui in their hometown, and told him that they had filed a marriage report, which was a happy event.

(End of this chapter)

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