Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1878 I value you very much

Chapter 1878 I value you very much

Then there was pregnancy on the 1st, Zhao Jinchen and his .[-] mother had a serious talk about Zhao Jinchuan's problem,

What's more, she trains Dongsheng and Mingyuan every day, and Swift also learns from her. However, she is just a soy saucer, and she just watches the excitement every day. When practicing, she either complains of pain or tiredness, and is too delicate.

Zhou Zixu can still think of that scene, when his precious girl comes to training, she likes to act coquettishly and let him run with her in her arms. .

Zhou Zixu clicked his tongue, then looked at the last one.

"Zixu, I miss you."

There was only this sentence on this piece of paper, but Zhou Zixu was so happy that he wanted to jump up, she finally said that she missed herself.

"Haha, I miss you too."

Zhou Zixu couldn't bear the joy in his heart, laughed out loud, kissed those words hard, and said something in a low voice.

It felt like kissing Si Hui face to face, and then Si Hui Jiao slapped him hard, gave him a small white eye, and felt very happy, as if he had eaten honey.

"Who's there?"

When the teacher passed by the woods, he heard someone laughing, frowning, walked into the woods but found no one, and shouted sharply.

Zhou Zixu was startled, he blamed himself for being extremely happy, right?
Hold your breath carefully, look through the leaves to the edge of the forest, hoping that the teacher will leave quickly if he can't see anyone.

"Who? Come out quickly."

The teacher got angry, and his voice became louder. Zhou Zixu frowned and gave him a look, put the letter in his pocket, and jumped down from the tree.


It is a standard salute to the teacher, standing there solemnly, with no smile on his face.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Seeing that it was Zhou Zixu, the teacher relaxed his eyebrows a little, but still looked at him sullenly.

"Report to the teacher, I found a bird's nest with a bird's egg, and I want to dig out the bird's egg to eat."

Zhou Zixu reported a very serious question in a serious voice.

"How old are you? Still picking out bird eggs?"

The teacher's nose is crooked in anger. That's what naughty boys under ten years old do. Zhou Zixu is 30 years old, and he still goes to dig out bird eggs?
"Yes, I won't take it out."

Zhou Zixu put his feet together and answered loudly, honest and obedient trainee instructors should not punish, hehe.

"come here."

The teacher had nothing to do with Zhou Zixu, this kid didn't look like a 30-year-old at all, his eyes were always sly and suspicious.


Zhou Zixu was a little worried, the letter was still in his pocket!Didn't the instructor find out?
However, his psychological quality is very good, and he did not admit it when he found out.

He strode over with serious eyes and a serious look, which made the doubt in the instructor's heart disappear.

"Zhou Zixu, you haven't heard from your family for two weeks. I allow you to call your family."

The teacher told Zhou Zixu of his decision, and he went to find him anyway.

"Yes, thank you instructor."

Zhou Zixu looked at him happily, oh, that's great, luckily he stole the letter, otherwise, would he have the opportunity to call home this time?

The teacher saw that Zhou Zixu was smiling at the corners of his eyes and brows, with a little complacency in his eyes, and suddenly felt that Zhou Zixu had tricked him.

But when he wanted to take a closer look, Zhou Zixu raised his resolute chin slightly and saluted him respectfully, the teacher still felt uncomfortable.

So he taught him angrily, "Zhou Zixu, you are very talented, and the leader thinks highly of you. Can you study hard and look at Lin Chong? You can't do it without training, how about you? You still have time to dig out bird nests." ?”

(End of this chapter)

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