Chapter 1879
"Yes, teacher, I promise not to dig out bird nests in the future, and spend all my time on study."

Zhou Zixu saluted again with a loud and deafening voice.

The teacher picked his ears and took a step back. The voice was too loud.

Clearing his throat, he asked, "When would you like to call home?"

"At night, I have to train hard during the day, so I can't take up my study time."

Zhou Zixu saluted again, speaking in a high-sounding manner.

"Okay, that's right."

The teacher nodded in satisfaction, thinking that Zhou Zixu was pretty good, and others would have been impatient to follow him to the teaching office.

He was still thinking about training first, and it seemed that the painstaking work he had done just now had an effect.

Zhou Zixu slandered in his heart [Sihui is not at home during the day, but at night the family is full of talents, and you can still hear the voice of your precious daughter]

However, these of course will not let the teacher know, he still knows what is beneficial to him.

In the afternoon, Zhou Zixu put in a lot of effort in training, whether it was shooting or sand table, his performance satisfied the instructors.

However, there is one person who is not happy, that person is Lin Chong, he is so angry that Zhou Zixu seems to have been beaten to death today, he is so good in all trainings, he suppresses himself, and makes him feel aggrieved to death.

"Zhou Zixu, you are amazing."

Xiang Yunchang looked at Zhou Zixu adoringly, he was his role model, and he couldn't catch up no matter what.

"Train well, you will be better than me."

Zhou Zixu was in a good mood, and he was not stingy with his words of praise.

He cast a sideways glance at Lin Chong from the corner of his eye, he still looked unconvinced, and walked away proudly.

He just likes the feeling that you don't accept me, but you can't kill me.

Always been envied, never surpassed, that's all.

In the evening, Lu Sihui was playing chess with her grandfather in the living room, and Swift and Dongsheng were playing checkers, which Zhou Zisong bought for Dongsheng. The little guy was immediately fascinated, and played checkers with Swift every day.

"I don't want to play anymore, I always lose."

Swift pouted, seeing that Dongsheng had completely occupied his territory, she angrily swept the chessboard away.

"Swift, it's just a game. If you lose, you lose. Don't afford to lose."

Lu Sihui glared at her daughter, she really didn't like her character.

"Yes, winning or losing is commonplace, Swift, you can't be so unreasonable."

Mr. Zhou also frowned and taught Swift not to let the child grow crooked.


Swift lowered her head and agreed, but didn't place any more chess pieces.

"Swift, keep playing, there will always be a time to win."

Lu Sihui encouraged her in a low voice, and Yuyan stared at her mother with wide eyes, nodded obediently, and arranged the chess again.

"Brother Dongsheng, let me go first, okay?"

Swift looked at Dongsheng acting coquettishly, Dongsheng smiled and nodded: "Okay, you go first."

He has already decided, this time to let Swift, he purposely made the wrong chess piece, and created the conditions for Swift to win. , Seeing the bright smile on the daughter's face, she occupied Dongsheng's position.

Zhou Yuyan jumped up excitedly, and shouted to Lu Sihui and Grandpa, "Mom, Grandpa, I won."

"Is it true that as long as you persevere, you can win, so you have to be tolerant when you lose."

Mr. Zhou nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Dongsheng with a smile. The brat is not bad, and he knows how to let his sister go.

"bell bell"

The phone in the study rang, and Lu Sihui didn't think about anything, she stood up and said something to her grandfather, "I'll answer it."

(End of this chapter)

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