Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1880 I will find you next year

Chapter 1880 I will find you next year

"Go! Let me study how to move this move?"

Mr. Zhou waved his hand, thinking that it was either his son or grandson who called, and he didn't want to answer it.

Lu Sihui smiled and shook her head, Grandpa told Dongsheng not to take winning or losing too seriously!He himself can't afford to lose.

After entering the study, he picked up the phone and asked, "Hello, who is it?"

"Guess who I am?"

A clear and magnetic voice rang over the phone, Lu Sihui's eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise a perfect arc.

"Can not guess."

She deliberately didn't say anything, and the smile on the corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth on the other side of the phone disappeared.

The bad girl pretended that she couldn't hear his voice. If she was in front of her, she would have to spank her ass.

"I'm Zhou Zixu."

He glanced at the instructor, saw him frowning and staring at him, and hurriedly announced his name solemnly.

"I know, are you homesick?"

Lu Sihui smiled, Zhou Zixu suddenly changed his tone, there must be someone around.

She really wanted to open the space capsule to see what he looked like now.

"How is everything at home?"

Zhou Zixu asked her in a deep voice, and what he asked was quite standard.

"It's all good, how about you! How are you?"

Lu Sihui asked him with a smile, it sounded a little weird, but very serious.

If the stereotyped Zhou Zisong was on the other side of the phone, she would think it was normal.

However, the person opposite was Zixu, when had he spoken in such a serious manner?
"Well then, write to me more, I miss you all."

Zhou Zixu couldn't speak nasty words in front of the instructor, but he deliberately paused behind you to let Sihui know that he missed her.

"I miss you too, wait for me, I will find you next year."

Lu Sihui said softly into the phone that she cherished this opportunity to make a call.

"Ahem. Why hasn't my family written to me recently?"

Seeing that the instructor's eyes became suspicious, Zhou Zixu quickly coughed twice and changed the subject.

Lu Sihui was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that Zixu had written a letter saying that all the letters at home had been withheld by the instructor, and he had to fight wits and courage with the instructor to get his own letter.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he decided to cooperate with Zixu: "Recently, the unit has been very busy with training, and field training will be held in the beginning of spring. I am preparing a training plan!"

The instructor could hear the voice on the phone. Hearing Lu Sihui's words, the little doubt in my heart disappeared.

"Give you 5 minutes, I'll go outside and smoke a cigarette."

The teacher left the next sentence, which was a convenient condition for Zhou Zixu.

"Hey, miss me?"

The instructor over there went out, and Zhou Zixu's tone here suddenly became ambiguous.

Hearing the change in his tone, Lu Sihui naturally understood that there was no one around him now.

"I miss you, I miss you so much, I miss you even in my dreams, are you satisfied?"

She said three thought words in a row, and Zhou Zixu on the other side of the phone was already smiling.

Facing the phone, there was a laziness in his voice, and he ordered to Sihui, "If you are not satisfied, say it twice."

"Hey, are you poor? Miss you, miss you."

Lu Sihui chuckled, and said five consecutive times on the phone that she missed you, which made Zhou Zixu over there happy to hear it like honey.

"I miss you too. I'm sticking the photo of you and my son on my heart! Next time, I'll send you the photo of my daughter, and I'll tell you, I'm a good man. No matter how tight the enemy's blockade is, I can Open the gap and get your letter from home."

Zhou Zixu's smug voice made Lu Sihui raise the corner of her mouth in amusement, and instructed him on the phone.

"Be careful, don't let the instructor hear you."

(End of this chapter)

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