Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1881 The Character of the Old Urchin

Chapter 1881 The Character of the Old Urchin
Zhou Zixu smiled, and his daughter-in-law reminded him: "Okay, Zhou Zixu will follow the instructions."

He was joking with his wife, and really wanted to hold her in his arms and give her a good kiss.

"Do you want to have a word with Grandpa?"

A joking voice suddenly rang on the phone, and the smile on Zhou Zixu's face froze immediately. Fortunately, he didn't say the words of wanting to kiss Sihui, otherwise his grandpa would hear him and laugh at him for two years.

"Grandpa, how is your old health?"

Zhou Zixu responded quickly, and immediately greeted his grandfather with a particularly respectful tone.

"You still have a conscience, grandpa, I am strong, and I can knock you down with one punch."

Mr. Zhou still has the character of an old urchin, teasing his grandson on the phone.

"Okay, Grandpa, I'll let you knock me down when I go back, but you have to exercise hard, don't hit me, it hurts your hands."

Zhou Zixu laughed, and he teased Grandpa in turn.

"Haha, you're still so poor, alright, I'll give you the phone back to your wife, I know you're dying of anxiety now, scold me, an old man, for disturbing your young couple's whispering."

Mr. Zhou and his grandson laughed happily after talking to his grandson. Zixu is better, he can always make himself happy.

"No way, Grandpa, I miss you, I feel very kind when I hear your voice, and I recall the scene of being taught by your ears when I was a child."

Zhou Zixu said with a playful smile, of course he was anxious to chat with his wife, but he would not admit it!
"Okay, okay, do you hold grudges? When you come back, I will make your ears red."

Grandpa Zhou laughed out loud at being teased by his grandson, and after saying something, he returned the phone to Sihui who was waiting with a smile on his face.

"Let me tell you, time is precious, grandpa is out."

"Thank you grandpa."

Lu Sihui didn't quarrel with her grandfather, she took the microphone with a smile: "Zixu, I've already finished knitting that red sweater, and I'll send it to you at the post office tomorrow, but..."

Zhou Zixu was listening happily!His wife's panting made him nervous: "But what? Let me tell you, it's mine, and no one is allowed to give it to you."

Zhou Zixu is similar to a wolf, with a strong sense of territory, and no one is allowed to snatch what belongs to him.

"Haha, I mean, you are not allowed to go out wearing it to attract others, or I will serve you with a fly swatter."

Lu Sihui smiled. She not only doesn't dislike Zixu's domineering relationship, but also likes it very much. But she is also very domineering. Don't try to snatch her man from other women. Pack a pair.

"Don't worry! In my heart, in my eyes, in my head, all the cells in my body and even the toes, I think about you. I don't even look at other women."

Zhou Zixu immediately straightened his body to show his loyalty, and Lu Sihui on the other side of the phone laughed, but immediately felt something was wrong.

"Fuck you! Who wants you to think on your toes? It's disgusting."

"Haha, disgusting is disgusting, as long as you can't forget me."

Zhou Zixu answered with a playful smile, a little rascal, Lu Sihui could think of him disgusting her, with that smug look in his eyes.

"Bad guy, are you coming back for the Mid-Autumn Festival? I'll make mooncakes for you."

The smile on Lu Sihui's face gradually disappeared, replaced by longing eyes, listening nervously to the voice on the other side of the microphone.

After Zhou Zixu heard it, the signature smile on his face disappeared, and his eyes became missive: "I try my best, I miss you and the children, and I also miss Grandpa."

"Well, we are all waiting for you to come back." Lu Sihui held the microphone tightly and said something in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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