Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1886 That belongs to me

Chapter 1886 That belongs to me
Xiang Yunchang glanced at the photo, isn't this the iron-blooded man?What else could it be doing?

"Before Sihui married me, she was a farmer who was poisoned by snakes. Her whole body was as fat as a moving hill, and her eyes were as small as if someone had cut them out with a knife. With such an appearance, how can you say she is beautiful?" ?"

Zhou Zixu fell into the memory, his eyes were sweet, as if it was a very beautiful thing.

"Ah? Then how can you fall in love with her?"

Xiang Yunchang glanced at the photo, but he couldn't connect the beautiful daughter-in-law in the photo with a big ugly girl in the countryside.

"What I look at is the heart, what you look at is the appearance, remember, the appearance will grow old, but the heart will not change."

Zhou Zixu stood up and patted Yunchang on the shoulder pretending to be deep, a bit like the work of the elders to the younger ones.

"Ah? Zixu, you impress me, it's amazing."

Xiang Yunchang's admiration for Zhou Zixu deepened. Zhou Zixu lazily stretched his arms and yawned: "I'm sleepy, go to sleep."

When he was lying on the bed, Zhou Zixu had an imperceptible smile on his lips.

He still remembers the first time he met Sihui, a chubby girl who was even more arrogant than him.

He may have fallen in love with her since then, and it really has nothing to do with her appearance, he just likes her arrogance and arrogance, closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

When Lu Sihui heard what Zixu said, her eyes turned red. It turned out that Zixu liked her not because she became more beautiful.

Looking at Zixu on the screen reluctantly, she looked at the robot and gave an order in a cold voice.

"I'm going to Zixu's dream, I can't wait for a day."

The robot stared blankly at Lu Sihui, then mechanically replied: "Impossible."

"One more word, and I'll destroy the space capsule."

Lu Sihui was furious. How dare she say that she is the most advanced robot when she can't do such a thing?

"The capsule doesn't have this technology, but it lets you see what he's dreaming about?"

The robot was also forced by Lu Sihui to propose a way to prevent itself from being destroyed.

"That's fine, I want to see if I'm in Zixu's dream?"

Lu Sihui gave the robot a blank look and urged him to hurry up.

Soon, blackness appeared on the big screen. Lu Sihui frowned and stared at the robot. She wanted to see Zixu's dream, but the robot showed herself blackness?

"Be safe and don't be impatient, I haven't entered Zhou Zixu's dream yet."

The robot answered mechanically, pressing the button urgently.

On the big screen, what appeared was the mysterious Neishan Mountain in Guashantun, Zhou Zixu and Sihui were catching wild boars in the snow, and then the screen changed to a picture of himself singing on the stage.

Seeing herself in uniform and singing on the stage, Lu Sihui realized for the first time that she was so beautiful.

So heroic, the voice is light and agile, and the beautiful melody makes people intoxicated.

She smiled, it turned out that she was so good in Zixu's dream.

Suddenly, the scene changed, and she was outside the delivery room. There were shouts in the room, and Zixu hurriedly walked around outside the delivery room.

"I will never let Sihui have children again."

Zixu's voice sounded, full of anxiety, and he began to smash the door of the delivery room.

Lu Sihui frowned, remembering that when she gave birth, she never shouted, okay?
Looking at it with pouted lips, the picture changed again, he was feeding the child while Zi Xu was jealous with his son.

"It belongs to me. It was robbed by you kid. You are still young and I am not like you. When you grow up, I will beat you on the head."

(End of this chapter)

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