Chapter 1887

Lu Sihui couldn't stop laughing, that is, Zixu, who can do things like being jealous of her son.

Touching the big screen with her hand, her fingers lingered on Zixu's face, she was deeply in love, and now she understood the meaning of this sentence.

Every night, as if she was possessed, she entered the space capsule and looked at Zixu, but the more she looked at him like this, the more she missed him.

Dissatisfaction is just that through the screen, I can't touch him, can't see him, let alone talk to him.

"Hey, come back soon! I miss your arms so much, I want to lie in your arms and fall asleep."

Reluctantly leaving the space capsule and lying on the bed, she hoped that Zixu would appear in her dream.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, Huang Yaomei's face returned to normal first, and she cried with joy in front of the mirror.

In the past few days, she dared not look in the mirror, let alone see people. Every day when she went to the toilet, Zhang Changshui hugged her back and forth. A toilet was placed in the dormitory to avoid the embarrassment of Zhang Changshui not being able to go to the women's toilet.

Zhang Changshui submitted the marriage report when he returned to his work unit. They were a fiancé couple, and all the stationmates admired Zhang Changshui. In Yaomei’s case, could he still file a marriage report?

Although the unit leaders wondered how Huang Yaomei became like this, they highly praised Zhang Changshui for his perseverance to Huang Yaomei, and hoped to be promoted in the second half of the year.

Ten days later, Huang Yaomei finally stood up, and the first thing she did was to run to Lu Sihui.

"Sihui, take me to thank Dr. Tang, I must thank him."

Huang Yaomei's eyes were full of excitement. Those who have never experienced it would not know how painful it is to need someone to take care of even going to the toilet.

She would rather lose ten years of life in exchange for a day when she can stand up.

"Thank you? Doctor Tang has moved away."

A flash of panic flashed in Lu Sihui's eyes. Dr. Tang must not know about this, because she never went to get the medicine.

If Huang Yaomei goes, the secret of the space capsule will be lost.

"Moved away? How come it's such a coincidence?"

Huang Yaomei looked at Lu Sihui suspiciously, always feeling that she had something to hide from her.

"Oh, why do you have so many troubles? After you are cured, you go to thank you, and then everyone else goes there. It is difficult for Dr. Tang to live a clean life, and he has caused you a lot of trouble in treating your illness. I It's Doctor Tang who hates you."

Lu Sihui's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she impatiently stopped Huang Yaomei from asking again.

"But, it's fine if I don't say no to others. I have to thank them, right?"

Huang Yaomei hesitated for a moment and thought of a compromise.

Lu Sihui looked at Yaomei coldly, and didn't speak for a long time. She was silent, with a chill all over her body, Yaomei was a little nervous.

"Sihui, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Huang Yaomei, I promised Dr. Tang that I would never disturb him again. Are you going to turn me into a person who doesn't keep my word?"

Lu Sihui said sternly, her brows were tightly furrowed, and she looked very angry.

"Sihui, don't be angry, I just don't go."

Huang Yaomei immediately faltered, she kept apologizing to Lu Sihui, and never mentioned anything about Dr. Tang again.

"Let me tell you, about the antidote, you must tell the outside world that it is a miracle doctor you found in your hometown, did you hear that?"

Seeing that she was frightened, Lu Sihui was relieved, but she still warned her with a cold face.

Even if the people in the work unit wanted to find the genius doctor in my hometown, they couldn't find him.

Things can be covered up, so that people who are interested will not notice the strangeness, let alone doubt themselves.

"Understood, I will tell Chang Shui when I go back."

Huang Yaomei saluted and agreed, and answered carefully, which made Sihui angry, and she blamed herself.

"Okay, get ready to be a bride! The marriage report has been approved."

(End of this chapter)

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