Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1892 Expelled from school

Chapter 1892 Expelled from school
"Jin Chen, old man, why did you meet together?"


Zhao Jinchen looked at his mother complicatedly, shouted, and stopped talking.

"Old woman, kill a chicken, it's rare for Jin Chen to come back, let me have a drink."

Zhao Yaozu was eager to know what was going on with the elder son's return?Afraid that Zhou Guifang would make trouble, I sent her away first.

"Okay, won't Wenqian come over?"

Zhou Guifang nodded in agreement, looked at her son and asked a question.

Since the last time I went to the eldest son's house for dinner and broke up unhappy, the daughter-in-law has not come back once, which made her feel a little panicked.

Regret that I shouldn't have said those things at the dinner table, and blame myself for being old and confused.

"She's at work."

Zhao Jinchen replied indifferently, without stopping, he went straight into the east room.

"Old man, is there something wrong with Jin Chen coming back? Don't tell me the couple started fighting?"

Seeing her son's preoccupied appearance, Zhou Guifang was a little worried, so she asked Zhao Yaozu in a low voice.

"What's the fight? If you don't meddle, the couple will be fine! Go kill the chicken and cook quickly."

Zhao Yaozu stabbed her angrily, stepped into the east room, and saw his son sitting on the kang smoking a cigarette, a big pimple formed between his brows.

"Jin Chen, what happened?"

Seeing his appearance, Zhao Yaozu couldn't calm down anymore, and asked his son in a low voice.

"Dad, something happened to Jinchuan. The school called today and said he was going to be expelled and asked me to pick him up."

Zhao Jinchen threw away his cigarette butt irritably, he finally became a college student, and now he is expelled?

In the future, the Zhao family will be poked at the spine and talked about in the village.


Zhao Yaozu looked at the boss in disbelief, studying hard, how could he be fired?

"The headmaster let the past talk. In short, he must have made a mistake to be expelled."

Zhao Jinchen took off the well hat irritably, he was about to explode with anger, the whole family worked so hard to support him to go to college, how could he be, why didn't he study hard and was expelled from school?

Wen Qian is pregnant here, and a major case has occurred in the unit. How can he have time to pick him up?
But if he didn't pass, he was worried. If he could find someone, could he continue to read?
With Zhao Jinchuan's character, he couldn't stay in the countryside at all, and asking him to work in the fields would be like killing him.

"I will go with you."

After Zhao Yaozu was shocked, he had already started to pack his things. He is the village head, and he has a strong ability to withstand pressure, and he can calmly solve major problems.

"Dad, you'd better not go, you won't be able to solve any problems if you go, I've asked the comrades over there to help inquire about it, and after finishing the case in hand, I'll ask for leave to have a look."

Zhao Jinchen said irritably, the mountains are high and the road is far away, and it takes a day to take the train, how could he be willing to let his father suffer?
"No, this is a big deal, you don't need to say it, I have to go."

Zhao Yaozu regained the domineering spirit he had when he was the village head, and waved his hands to stop his son.

When Zhou Guifang was killing chickens in the yard, she somehow cut her hand. The blood was profuse, and she had to go back to the house to wash it with water.

Hearing the conversation between the father and son, she opened the door: "Jin Chen, what's wrong with your brother?"

"Mom, your hands are bleeding."

Zhao Jinchen saw the blood dripping on the ground and hurried over to help his mother bandage the wound.

"Leave me alone, tell me quickly, what's wrong with your brother?"

Zhou Guifang pushed Zhao Jinchen away, looked into his eyes and asked.

Zhao Jinchen looked at his anxious mother in embarrassment, and said something in a deep voice.

"I don't know yet, I have to go to school to find out."

(End of this chapter)

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