Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1893 I don't want to be separated from him for a day

Chapter 1893 I don't want to be separated from him for a day
Zhao Jinchen's thick eyebrows were furrowed, and he couldn't comfort his parents at this moment, but he hoped that everything was a misunderstanding and Jinchuan could stay in school.

"What else is there to eat! Hurry up and don't let Jinchuan get into trouble."

At this moment, Zhou Guifang's eyes were red with anxiety, she didn't have the heart to cook for them, all she thought was that the youngest son was being bullied, and she asked the old man and the boss to help.

"Got it, I'll change clothes."

Zhao Yaozu is also anxious at this time, if he is angry with his youngest son for his bad morals, he is also worried about him now.

I rummaged through the cabinets and found decent clothes to wear when I went out. At home, I wore old clothes from the field. It was not decent to go to a big city.

The two of them went to the train station non-stop, but the train didn't come when they wanted to leave.

The ticket was issued at four o'clock in the morning the next day, so Zhao Yaozu had to stay at the eldest son's house tonight.

Zhao Jinchen sent his father to his home first, and then went to the work unit to ask for leave. He would inevitably be criticized by the leader, knocked out his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach. Who let him have an uneasy brother?
No. [-] didn't know that my uncle caused a big disaster at the university. She went to the market first at night and bought a big carp. She was more than three months pregnant. She occasionally vomited and had a poor appetite. Recently, she was greedy for fish.

According to Sihui, eating fish is good for the child's brain development, and she hopes to have a child as cute as Sihui's baby.

Carrying the fish and walking home, thinking about what to do?
Jin Chen likes to eat the braised one, and he likes to eat the sweet and sour one. In the end, he decided to make it according to Jin Chen's taste.

After a woman gets married, she will lose herself, which is reflected in her.

On the [-]st carrying the fish back home, he found the door open, and his face was filled with joy. Jin Chen has been busy until late at night before returning home, and it is rare to come back early today.

Xing hurriedly opened the door, but did not see Jin Chen, put the fish in the kitchen, opened the door and entered the east room.

The room was full of smoke, which made her cough repeatedly.

"Boss daughter-in-law, you are back."

Seeing his daughter-in-law coughing, Zhao Yaozu hurriedly knocked the cigarette bag in his hand to the ground, and asked in a hoarse voice.

He was smoking all afternoon, but his heart was even more disturbed.

Number one opened the door, waved his hand to sweep the smoke in front of him, walked over and opened all the windows, and then looked at the old man.

"Dad, why do you smoke so much? It's not good for your health."

She used a caring tone. Old Zhao sighed deeply and explained in a deep voice.

"Wen Qian, your brother-in-law is about to be expelled from school. Dad is upset, so he smokes a few more cigarettes. Don't be angry!"

"What? Why fired?"

No. [-] didn't expect it at all, and heard the explosive news as soon as he got home.

She was disgusted with that little uncle, but she was still very concerned about the fact that she was fired, which was a major matter for the Zhao family.

"I don't know. I'll go there with Jin Chen early tomorrow morning. You're pregnant, but Dad took Jin Chen away. Thank you for your hard work."

Zhao Yaozu apologized to his daughter-in-law. When a woman is pregnant, she still hopes that a man can stay by her side. However, if you go alone, you can't find it anywhere. Even if you do, you can't find anyone to help Jinchuan. , can only bring the boss.

There are a few of his comrades there, and it is better to know someone than none.


Ye Wenqian frowned, she was very disgusted with her uncle, she was very dependent on her husband now, and she didn't want to be separated from him for a day.

When I was stewing the fish, I almost stewed it because I was upset. Fortunately, Zhao Jinchen came back and found it.

"Wen Qian, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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