Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1894 I'm afraid my old friend will get angry

Chapter 1894 I'm afraid my old friend will get angry
Seeing his daughter-in-law's restlessness, Zhao Jinchen asked worriedly.

"Jin Chen, how many days are you going this time?"

Ye Wenqian asked him in a low voice, knowing that there was a serious case in his unit, if she left at this time, the leader would definitely be angry.

"At least three days."

Zhao Jinchen furrowed his brows tightly and put the fish on a plate. He called there in the afternoon and got a general understanding of the situation. His brother really let him down.

"Is the situation serious?"

Seeing Zhao Jinchen frowning, No. [-] asked in a low voice.

"Very serious."

Zhao Jinchen nodded, not wanting to say too much to his wife for now.

Dinner was very depressing, Zhao Yaozu only ate a bowl of rice, and refused to eat any more.

Zhao Jinchen also put down his chopsticks without taking a few mouthfuls. Seeing the two of them like this on the first day, he was not in the mood to eat.

The delicious big fish was cleaned up without taking a few bites.

This night, Zhao Yaozu didn't dare to sleep for fear of delaying the train.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, I stood outside and called Zhao Jinchen.

I didn't rest well on the first day of tossing, and went to the unit with huge dark circles on the second day.

"Number one, did you steal the mines last night?"

Because of No. [-]'s pregnancy, Lu Sihui went to the city to pick her up every morning, rain or shine.

Seeing No. [-]'s weak look, she couldn't help but tease her.

"Don't mention it, my little brother-in-law is Sangmenxing, who is eight hundred miles away, and he can still make me and Jin Chen sleepless."

Number one said something angrily, with a big pimple between his brows.

"It's him again, what happened this time?"

Lu Sihui looked at No. [-] with a smile. After all, she had seen Aunt Zhao's eccentricity, and subconsciously thought that Zhao Jinchuan was playing another trick to cheat the family out of money.

"Jin Chen refuses to say, I guess it's not a good thing."

Number one was very preoccupied. She asked for a long time last night, but Zhao Jinchen refused to say anything, and she also became worried.

"Don't say it? That must not be an honorable thing."

Lu Sihui sneered, thinking of that selfish Zhao Jinchuan, doesn't he look like a courageous person?
It is estimated that all the bad things they did were sneaky, and they were discovered before they were cleaned up.

"I don't know, Jin Chen will know when he comes back."

No. [-] sighed irritably, feeling that after marrying into the Zhao family, there would be only a few days of peace.

Besides, Zhao Jinchen and Zhao Yaozu got on the train in the early morning, and they had to reverse the train in the middle. Zhao Yaozu was worried and anxious, and almost got sick on the train.

It was already evening when we arrived in City J, and the teachers at the school were off work, so Zhao Jinchen found a guest house close to the school to live in first.

"Dad, you go to sleep, I will go to my comrade and find out the situation carefully."

Zhao Jinchen arranged for his father to rest in the room, but Zhao Yaozu is so anxious now, where can he sleep?Insist on following Zhao Jinchen and find his comrades together.

Zhao Jinchen's comrades are very enthusiastic. After all, they are comrades who have been teammates together for several years, so they insist on treating Zhao Jinchen and his son to dinner at the best local restaurant.

The table was full of delicious food and wine, but Zhao's father and son couldn't eat a single bite.

"Old comrade, thank you for your help. I want to know, is this about my brother true or false?"

Zhao Jinchen looked at the old comrade and asked, he couldn't drink the wine he poured for himself.

"Jin Chen, drink first, eat, and I'll tell you after the meal."

Jinchen's old comrades still have some strength in the local area. The director of the police station is very capable.

He has already investigated Zhao Jinchuan's matter clearly, but if he speaks out now, he is afraid that his old friends will get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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