Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1895 I was humiliated by my younger brother.

Chapter 1895 I was humiliated by my younger brother.

"Comrade! You should say it! Otherwise, I really can't eat it."

Zhao Yaozu asked anxiously, relying on his relationship as Jin Chen's father, he begged Jin Chen's old comrades without shame.

"Uncle, don't worry too much. It's nothing serious. Let's eat first. I'll tell you after dinner. Don't worry!"

Jin Chen's old comrade replied with a smile, as the director, he pays attention to the art of language, and his consolation made Zhao Yaozu feel relieved to some extent.

"Old comrade, I have caused you trouble, I will do it first as a respect."

Zhao Jinchen stood up and toasted the old comrade, because his younger brother, who never liked asking for help, went to the old station friend twice in a row.

Don't know how to pay back the favor you owe?
"What are you talking about? Old station friend, don't talk about such nonsense, how can I help you? Thank you for a little thing."

The director stood up holding the wine glass, frowned and complained to Zhao Jinchen.

"Without this opportunity, it's still difficult to invite you to drink! Come on, cheers."

After he finished speaking, he drank it down, which reminded Zhao Jinchen of the heroic feelings among comrades in the work unit.

Without saying any more, he raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking the spicy wine, a faint red color appeared on his cold face.

No matter how anxious Zhao Yaozu was, he couldn't rush him any longer. He ate and drank silently, feeling that his days were like years.

I hope to know the situation as early as tomorrow when I go to school.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Jin Chen's comrades began to talk about Zhao Jinchuan's situation after seeing that the food was almost finished.

It turned out that Zhao Jinchuan was not found for committing the crime for the first time, after successfully framing his classmates.

He was honest for a while, but later, he got along well with his partner, and he went to visit his house when he was off on Sundays.

In order to make Qu Lili's family look up to him, he buys a lot of things every time he goes there, and the money is not enough to spend every time he comes and goes.

The most terrible thing is that under his rhetoric, Qu Lili and him did something they shouldn't do.

I was pregnant, so I dared not tell my family that doctor Hei needed a lot of money for an abortion. Zhao Jinchuan sent a telegram to ask for money, but the family didn't send postage.

Over there, Qu Lili's stomach couldn't wait, so he had no choice but to take the risk. First, he stole the money in the dormitory, but he didn't dare to take more, because a few dollars was not enough.

Qu Lili looked for him anxiously every day, the two had a falling out, and Qu Lili wanted to sue him for rape.

Zhao Jinchuan was frightened. He used Sunday to go to the steel factory to steal iron. The first time he stole less and was not found, he became bolder.

I went several times in a row, but was finally caught by the patrolling guards and made a fuss to the school.

"No way? My son doesn't know how to steal. Did they frame him up!"

Zhao Yaozu looked at the director in disbelief, isn't he Jin Chen's comrade?Why don't you speak to Jin Chuan?

"Uncle, there are evidences and witnesses. I suppressed this matter. Otherwise, it is a criminal case. Zhao Jinchuan has to be sentenced. Now as long as you make up the money, the steel factory will not pursue it." gone."

The director looked at Zhao Yaozu sympathetically. It's not easy for a farmer to confess a college student, but the child doesn't learn well. Who would not be angry?

"Thank you."

Zhao Jinchen's face turned red, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in. He was an upright and upright man, but he was humiliated by his younger brother.

"Don't worry, the money is not too much. The sale is from a waste collection station. After a preliminary calculation, it is about 200 yuan."

Jin Chen's old comrades comforted the couple, saying that if they don't make up the money, it will definitely not work.

But I didn't think it was a huge sum of money, and Zhao Jinchen should be able to take it out.

When Zhao Yaozu heard that there was so much money, his eyes darkened and he fell back.

(End of this chapter)

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