Chapter 1896 Unrepentant

Zhao Jinchen grabbed his father, pinched him for rescue, and called him.

"Send it to the hospital!"

Jin Chen's comrades went to pay the bill and drove Zhao Yaozu to the hospital.

He stayed with the hospital until midnight, and didn't leave until the old man was sure that he was not in danger.

During the period, I kept asking Zhao Jinchen, is there any difficulty in money?He can help.

Zhao Jinchen refused, he could no longer owe favors, and all the money he borrowed was from other cities, he couldn't afford to lose this person.

After seeing off the old comrades, he smoked alone in the hospital corridor.

The family ran out of money, only the few hundred yuan in Wen Qian's hand was left, and he had no face to ask her for it.

Zixu went to Junguan School to study, even if he was at home, he would be embarrassed to ask him to borrow money again, the previous debt has not been repaid yet!
I really want to leave Zhao Jinchuan alone and let him be sentenced. Stealing something worth 200 yuan is enough for a sentence.

But looking at the white-haired father in the ward all night, he couldn't help himself.

Zhao Jinchuan was really sentenced, and his father vomited to death.

Not to mention on my mother's side, crying and crying all day is unavoidable.

Annoyed to snuff out the cigarette, I can only find a wife, and I can only feel sorry for her at this time.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Yaozu was still asleep, Zhao Jinchen asked the people in the same ward to take care of him, and he went to school by himself.

At this time, Zhao Jinchuan was locked in a security room alone by the school, and someone was watching him.

After two days of questioning, he refused to admit that he had stolen Zhang Kefu's money, and only said that he had stolen the iron.

After Qu Lili's family found out about the situation, they wanted to sue Zhao Jinchuan for rape, but they were afraid that their daughter's reputation would be damaged, so they had to suppress their anger and took their daughter to kill the child.

But she couldn't stay in college anymore, and being pointed at by her classmates, Qu Lili wanted to commit suicide.

I can only take her home, find a relationship, and transfer her student status to another city to go to university.

Zhao Jinchuan lay restlessly on the bed. There was no quilt, only a cardboard cover, and he was not even given a mattress.

"The bed is too hard, and my bones hurt."

Zhao Jinchuan couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning, so he jumped off the ground and slammed on the door.

"Be honest, the thief's bones still hurt? If you don't be honest and send you to the police station, the amount you stole is enough for two years in prison."

The guards scolded him through the window, "Heaven's favored son should not be a thief?"Embarrass the school, let them also be punished.

"Zhao Jinchuan, you stole my money, and you still framed Qin Guofeng. You are so wicked."

Zhang Kefu was outside the window of the security room, with his hands around his mouth, shouting loudly into the room.

He just wanted everyone to know that Zhao Jinchuan was a beast.

He even slept with his favorite goddess, and lost to a thief, no matter how he thought about it, he felt unbalanced.

Blame all the grievances on Zhao Jinchuan, since he knew the letter, he came here to scold at night.

Zhang Kefu gave the guard two money, and they ignored him when they got the benefit, they just turned a blind eye and let him scold him.

"Zhang Kefu, don't you rely on your family's money? You look like a pig, and I will steal your money? I think you are dirty."

Zhao Jinchuan refused to say a word, and barked like a mad dog.

"Guardian, look, he doesn't repent, doesn't that make him too comfortable?"

Zhang Kefu's teeth were itchy, and he couldn't scold Zhao Jinchuan, so he ran to find the guards, who gave him another box of red plum cigarettes, and he wanted to make Zhao Jinchuan suffer.

"Understood, this kind of person should be taught a lesson."

Zhang Kefu stood at the door and watched. The guard entered the room and tied up Zhao Jinchuan like a pig. He was still cursing angrily, and the guard stuffed a pair of stinky socks into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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