Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1897 It's Too Late To Regret

Chapter 1897 It's Too Late To Regret

The stench made Zhao Jinchuan extremely sick, but he wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, tears rolled in his eyes, and he watched Zhang Kefu come to him angrily.

"What do you look like now? It's just a dog wagging its tail. No, it's a good thing to say that you are a dog. Dogs don't steal things."

After Zhang Kefu finished cursing, he took out two cards of great unity from his pocket, folded them into long strips, and slapped Zhao Jinchuan on the face.

"Is the money good? My money is here. You can steal it again if you have the ability? I found that you are really cheap. You stole the money by yourself to wrong Qin Guofeng. It made him unable to study in university. Now you have to get retribution, right? Enjoy your fence life! Remember, in front of your buddies, you can only kneel to me forever, you are a wild dog wagging your tail."

Zhang Kefu scolded enough, seeing Zhao Jinchuan's snot and tears streaming down his face, staring at him angrily, but unable to say a word, the sullenness in his heart disappeared.

He stood up cheerfully, put the money in his pocket, and left.

Zhao Jinchuan was thrown to the ground all night with the stinky sock stuffed in his mouth. He was so smoked that he became dizzy and felt like dying.

At this time, he thought of his elder brother. If he was here, he would not be bullied so badly.

In the early morning, the guards came in, untied him, and took off the smelly socks.

Zhao Jinchuan was in a hurry to rinse his mouth, and he got up in a hurry. His limbs were numb all night, and he fell to the ground as soon as he got up.

His forehead hit the ground heavily, making a loud bang.

"I know I was wrong? However, it's too late to regret it. I just heard the news that you were expelled from school. If you don't do good things, go steal. You're a born thief."

The guard squatted on top of his head, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and told Zhao Jinchuan a news that made him despair.

"I was wronged, I didn't steal anything."

He got up like a madman with only one thing on his mind, he couldn't be fired, he didn't want to go home and be a farmer.

The guard was knocked down by him, got up and saw that Zhao Jinchuan had already run out, and was busy chasing after him.

"I didn't do it, Headmaster, I was wronged."

Zhao Jinchuan ran to the principal's office like crazy, shouting at the top of his lungs while running.

When Zhao Jinchen came out of the principal's office, he saw his younger brother in a panic, and he stumbled over.

Shouting grievances all the time, Zhao Jinchen couldn't suppress the anger in his heart when he saw his younger brother.

The hope of the whole family has been ruined by him, and the matter is so clear, he admits his mistakes dishonestly, and is still calling for injustice?
"Look at it! Never repent."

The principal pointed at Zhao Jinchuan in disappointment. He had become a disgrace to the school.

Zhao Jinchuan's teacher looked at him even more angrily. Before this happened, he felt that Zhao Jinchuan had changed and his studies had plummeted.

Talking about eating and clothing, and making Qu Lili's belly bigger, the two major scandals in the school were all in his class, and now he has become a joke among other teachers.

The year-end bonus was gone, and he had held the title of Advanced Worker for three years in a row, but because of Zhao Jinchuan, it was gone.

He hated this student he once liked to death. Zhao Jinchuan's honesty was all pretended. He was simply a bastard in human skin, pretending to be honest.

Zhao Jinchuan saw from a distance that it seemed to be his elder brother, so he quickened his pace and rushed over, shouting at Zhao Jinchen.

"Brother, brother, help me quickly, they all wronged me, I really didn't steal anything, someone framed me."

(End of this chapter)

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