Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1898 If you make a mistake, you have to admit it

Chapter 1898 If you make a mistake, you have to admit it
Zhao Jinchen clenched his fists, his cold eyes were filled with ice, watching his younger brother running towards him as if seeing a savior, his teeth were gritted.

He thought of Zhao Jinchuan when he was a child, he was innocent, he only knew how to study, when did he start learning badly?How can it be irretrievable once it breaks?
Zhao Jinchuan thought that if his elder brother came, he wouldn't have to be fired, and his elder brother would definitely help him with the matter of stealing iron.

Therefore, he ran over full of hope and looked at Zhao Jinchen, as if he saw an omnipotent god who would definitely help him solve all his troubles.

"Go and pack your things, I'll take you home."

Zhao Jinchen suppressed the anger in his heart, and taught his younger brother not to be in school. He wanted to save some face for Jinchuan.

"Why? I want to study, not to go back to be a farmer."

Zhao Jinchuan looked at his elder brother in disbelief, thinking that he was here and could help him, why is it useless?Take yourself home as soon as you open your mouth, useless, useless big brother.

"Principal, please, they framed me. I only took a piece of iron. I didn't take the rest. Don't fire me."

Zhao Jinchuan rushed over to beg the principal, as long as he said a word at this time, he would not be expelled.

"Zhao Jinchuan, if you make a mistake, you have to admit it. You don't even have the attitude to admit your mistake. Our school doesn't keep such students."

The headmaster withdrew his hand with a dark face, and said angrily that the school's face would be dishonored if something like this happened.

"Principal, I really didn't do it, you can't fire me."

Zhao Jinchuan still wanted to get entangled, but was grabbed by the elder brother: "Zhao Jinchuan, stop making trouble, you will lose face if you keep making trouble."

Zhao Jinchen's face darkened, looking at the students who were pointing, he wished he could get in through a crack in the ground.

He happened to be the younger brother of a thief, but he didn't feel ashamed at all. He was anxious, and with great strength, he pulled Zhao Jinchuan towards the dormitory.

I just asked clearly which dormitory my younger brother lives in, went over to get the clothes, and hurried to the hospital to see my father, he was already mad by this unfilial son.

"Follow quickly, don't let Zhao Jinchuan steal our money again."

Zhang Kefu raised his voice and shouted, waved at the other four boys in the dormitory, and said "thief", which caused the students to cast aside and look at Zhao Jinchuan with disgust.

"It's shameful to be a classmate with a thief."

"In the future, it will be spread that there are thieves in XXX University, and we will all follow suit."

The students' discussion became louder and louder. Zhao Jinchuan was like a mouse crossing the street, not daring to look up.

"Brother, don't you come to help me?"

He began to vent his anger on his eldest brother, Zhao Jinchen squeezed his hair tightly, and his teeth were grinding.

The strength of his subordinates was a little stronger, Zhao Jinchuan felt that his wrist was about to be broken by his elder brother, and he yelled at him angrily.

"They bully me so much, you don't help me, but you help them bully me? What kind of big brother are you?"

Zhao Jinchen couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his hand and slapped Zhao Jinchuan twice.

Zhao Jinchen has been training all the year round, and the strength in his hands is unbearable for most people. This is also a deadly move, and Zhao Jinchuan's nose and mouth bleed immediately.

Zhao Jinchuan's ears were buzzing, gold stars flickered in front of his eyes, and a stream of heat flowed from his nose. He stretched out his hand to wipe it, and when he saw blood, he became even angrier.

"Zhao Jinchen, you are really capable. You only know how to beat me. These people are bullying me. That guard tied me up all night and put a stinky sock in my mouth. Why don't you beat him?"

(End of this chapter)

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