Chapter 1904
Zhao Jinchuan waited until the ambulance left, then sneaked out from the dark place, lowered his head, shrugged his shoulders, and walked towards the gate.

At this time, the spectators hadn't dispersed yet, they were all talking there!

"It seems that people are dying."

"I saw that the hands were hanging down, and the face was covered with a white sheet. He must be dead."

"Who killed it? Did I still see her when I got off work?"

"I heard yelling from his house before. It seems that Director Qu's daughter has gone to his house. He didn't kill him, right?"

Hearing these arguments, Zhao Jinchuan became even more flustered, and his legs trembled when he walked.

"How sneaky does that man look? It doesn't seem to be someone from our building."

Someone yelled, Zhao Jinchuan was afraid of being caught, so he ran away.

"Stop, you stop."

Shouts came from behind, Zhao Jinchuan ran even more hastily, stumbled several times and almost missed people.

He was running desperately, his lungs seemed to be on fire, the people behind him chased him for a while, and then stopped.

Zhao Jinchuan was sweating profusely while running, panting like a cow, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead.

He stopped in his tracks and looked behind him, but he didn't see anyone chasing him again. He put his hands on his knees, half-bent, panting heavily.

"Where is Big Brother?"

He looked at the street with blank eyes, and he couldn't see his elder brother when people came and went. At that time, he was only concerned about how to escape, and he didn't even hear where his elder brother lived?

At this time, in the hospital, Zhao Jinchen's comrades led the policemen into the ward, and asked Zhao Jinchen with a serious face when they entered the door.

"Jin Chen, where's your brother?"

"Old comrade, what's the matter?"

Zhao Jinchen asked nervously, seeing that his expression did not seem to be a good thing, his eyes were searching the ward fiercely.

"Your brother killed someone, and we're hunting him down."

Seeing that there was no sign of Zhao Jinchuan in the ward, Jin Chen's old comrade briefly explained what had happened.

"If Zhao Jinchuan comes, I hope you can cooperate with the case. You are also a criminal policeman, and you know the importance of surrendering yourself. You cannot escape."

Before leaving, Jin Chen's old comrade looked at Zhao Jinchen seriously and spoke sincerely to him.

"I know, as long as he comes, I will personally turn him over to the criminal police brigade."

Zhao Jinchen clasped his hands tightly, solemnly promising his comrades.

He still can't believe it, brother dare to kill?
Zhao Yaozu in the room has already fallen down on the bed, looking like a fool, isn't he stealing iron?How did it become a murder?

"Jin Chen, why didn't you bring your brother back?"

Seeing the boss send the police away, Zhao Yaozu looked at Zhao Jinchen and shouted.

If he brought Jinchuan back, wouldn't such a big thing happen?

"I got into the car first, but I didn't expect him to sneak away."

Zhao Jinchen sat down on the stool dejectedly. His younger brother will pay for his life when he kills someone. He is powerless at this moment and hates himself for being fooled by Jin Chuan. If he had been dragging him all the time, wouldn't he be able to run into an unmanageable disaster.

It was his fault that innocent people were killed.

"Hey, my injustice! I have no virtue or ability to let these two children do such a thing."

Zhao Yaozu burst into tears, seeing the loss of another child, the son he had placed high hopes on.


Zhao Jinchen looked at his father, and could only silently hand him the towel, not knowing how to comfort him?
"I don't blame you, don't blame yourself. If he wants to run, he can still run at the train station. He is a person with long legs, not a chicken or a duck. He can be trapped in a cage."

Seeing how the eldest son blamed himself, Zhao Yaozu sighed deeply, leaned on the bed exhaustedly, his heart was ashamed, the hope of the Zhao family was shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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