Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1905 Nowhere to Run

Chapter 1905 Nowhere to Run

"Dad, don't be sad, he belongs to manslaughter, as long as he surrenders himself, he will not be sentenced to death."

Zhao Jinchen managed to find his own voice. He is a policeman and understands the basis of the case.

"Even if it's not the death penalty, he's ruined. His death is not a pity. He has harmed a good person. I, Zhao Yaozu, have owed them my whole life. I have raised a wicked person."

Zhao Yaozu's tears flowed more quickly, and now he felt guilty for the victim's family.

At this time, a young man with a flustered expression appeared in the lobby of the hospital. He was wearing glasses with broken lenses.

Entering the hall, he shrank his head, trying to minimize his presence.

But his sneaky and embarrassed appearance aroused others' suspicion.

A doctor in a white coat walked over, frowned and asked him, "Comrade, are you seeing a doctor or a patient?"

The main reason was that this person looked like he had a fever, his face was pale, and his whole body was shaking like a wobble, so he asked about the doctor.

"I'm looking for a patient, Zhao Yaozu, or Zhao Jinchen, please check, are there any of these people in the hospital?"

The man asked the doctor in a low voice, his voice stuck in his throat, making it hard to hear.

"Comrade, are you looking for Zhao Yaozu and Zhao Jinchen?"

The doctor took off his mask and raised his voice to ask him, mainly because he didn't hear clearly, so make sure.

Seeing that the man was so frightened that he stretched out his hand to block his mouth, the doctor hurriedly took two steps back and looked at him vigilantly.

There was something wrong with this person, at this moment he didn't look at himself, but looked around nervously, as if he was afraid that he would say the names of these two patients?

Zhao Jinchuan looked around nervously, and two people looked at him twice more, which made him tremble with fright, and he didn't find his voice until they left.

"Yes, I'm looking for them. Are they in this hospital?"

The doctor raised his eyebrows, and pointed at the bench calmly: "Sit down first, I'll check if there are these two people in the hospitalized patients?"

Zhao Jinchuan looked at him suspiciously, always feeling that the doctor was looking at him in the wrong way.

He had already reached the point where the grass and trees were completely frozen. He was walking towards the bench, but his eyes were secretly looking at the doctor. When he saw him walk into the office, he hurried over and lay down outside the door to eavesdrop.

"Hello, are you at the police station? A very suspicious man came to the hospital. He said he was looking for Zhao Jinchen. Yes, he was a young man with glasses. Okay, I'll hold him down first, and you all come here immediately!"

Hearing this, Zhao Jinchuan was so frightened that he was out of his body, turned around and ran, bumping into several people on the way in a panic, causing a lot of scolding.

"Grab him, grab him."

When the doctor came out of the office, he saw Zhao Jinchuan running away, and hurriedly called on the masses to help him catch him.

At this time, Zhao Jinchen had just come down from upstairs, so he thought of waiting outside the inpatient department, and asked his younger brother to surrender when he saw him.

As soon as he went downstairs, he heard the doctor yelling loudly, and a figure disappeared quickly at the hospital gate. He didn't see clearly who the escaped person was, but out of the instinct of the policeman, he quickly chased out of the hospital gate.

When I went out, I saw the man running towards the east. He ran in a panic and didn't even look at the car. He was in a panic and ran for his life.


Zhao Jinchen followed closely, and the doctor followed behind him, and he also shouted loudly: "Stop, you can't escape."

Zhao Jinchuan turned his head abruptly when he heard the voice, and when he saw that it was the elder brother, he ran back excitedly.

Seeing Zhao Jinchuan running back, the doctor hid nervously behind Zhao Jinchen and reminded him in a low voice, "This man is a murderer. He may have a knife in his hand."

(End of this chapter)

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