Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1930 I think the font looks familiar

Chapter 1930 I think the font looks familiar

When Zhou Zixu's unit came here, they found warning signs on a large weedy lawn, one on each side, which looked like a road. Looking at the position without warning signs, Deputy Wu frowned and stopped them. The Falcons go forward.

"and many more."

"Report to the deputy director."

Deputy Captain Wu looked at the wetland in front of him, which seemed to be a peaceful prairie. He suspected that it was the enemy's conspiracy. The location where there was no sign was probably a swamp. He remembered what Deputy Director Zhou said. imaginary.

What if the enemy deliberately put a Chinese sign to guide them over!If a large group of people falls into the swamp, and the enemy sets up an ambush on a high place, no one will survive.

Zhou Zixu checked the military map drawn by the production comrades in front, and found that the ground was full of swamps.

"Stop advancing, survey."

Zhou Zixu issued instructions to the unit, and Lu Sihui supported her forehead in the space capsule, doing bad things with good intentions, which wasted time.

After two days of investigation, Zhou Zixu arrived with the brigade, and deputy team Wu reported to Zhou Zixu: "Report to the deputy director, there is indeed a road in the middle."

"Keep going."

Looking at the two well signs, Zhou Zixu suddenly felt that the font was very familiar.

If it was not in the far northern Xinjiang, he would definitely think it was written by Sihui, because it is so similar.

The corner of Lu Sihui's mouth raised a smile, and she raised her eyebrows to look at the confusion in Zixu's eyes. From the position of his gaze, there were her flying characters.

"Ha, does it look familiar?"

Lu Sihui asked mischievously at the screen, Zhou Zixu looked up at the sky as if he had sensed it, why did he feel like he was being watched?

"Lie down."

The sound of the plane flying low sounded, and Zhou Zixu ordered comrades loudly.

Lu Sihui looked nervously at the big screen. The plane seemed to have spotted them and dropped two gunpowder.

Immediately there was a rapid sound of weapons, fireworks blocked the screen, and Lu Sihui was in a cold sweat. It was gunpowder, and the self-defense vest could block the body, but not the head.

"With lasers, make the plane blind and crash."

She gave the robot an order not to use the advanced weapons of the last days, and she would not allow her comrades to shed blood and tears.


The robot replied mechanically, he looked listless, different from usual, but Lu Sihui only cared about Zhou Zixu's safety and didn't notice the change of the robot at all.

"Deputy Director, how are you?"

Zhou Zixu's guard pushed away Zhou Zixu who was protecting him, and helped Zhou Zixu up with tears in his eyes.

He is a guard, responsible for protecting the deputy director's safety, but at a critical moment, he rushed over to protect himself?
Seeing that the uniform behind Zhou Zixu was full of bullet holes, he burst into tears. With so many bullets hitting his body, the deputy director must have died.

"Deputy Director, you are in charge of the entire department, how could you sacrifice yourself to save me!"

He cried and said that Vice-Captain Wu and Zhang Changshui assembled a large team over there, and when they heard his cries, they all ran over to look at him.

"Director, how are you doing?"

Zhang Changshui shook Zhou Zixu's shoulder, tears streaming down his face, crying very sadly.

"Didn't you be responsible for the safety of Deputy Director Zhou? How did you ask him to protect you?"

He pushed the guard away and yelled at him.

When he was furious, Zhou Zixu's lazy voice sounded.

"What are you doing? You can scold Lao Tzu's guards?"

Everyone looked at Zhou Zixu in disbelief. After so many bullets, nothing happened?

(End of this chapter)

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