Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1931 Still talking and laughing?

Chapter 1931 Still talking and laughing?

"I'll look at the map."

Zhou Zixu didn't stop, and went directly to the command simulation sand table. There was a huge map of Jun on the wall. He compared the sand table with the map, studied it with frowning eyes, and was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice that his elder brother was looking at his back in astonishment. There are six bullet holes in it?The area around the bullet hole was charred black, obviously the bullet should have entered his body.

Zhou Zisong clenched his fists nervously, and asked his brother in a deep voice, there was tension in his voice that he didn't notice.

"Zixu, don't you think there's something wrong?"


Zhou Zixu was engrossed in his thoughts. When he heard the question from his eldest brother, he didn't answer. Instead, he replied lightly. He pressed his chin with one hand and looked at the map of Junshi. A half-inch long beard had grown on his resolute chin. It was very difficult to hold, but it kept him calm.

"Go get the hygienist over."

Zhou Zisong thought that he was like those stationmates who were seriously injured but focused on completing the task, unaware that he was injured.

He called the guard over and told him to call the hygienist.

"Zixu, sit down first."

Zhou Zisong had never been so scared before. He walked over to support Zhou Zixu, his cautious appearance caught Zhou Zixu's attention.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and asked, the front was tight, and he had to find an attack plan as soon as possible.

"Zixu, it's all right, the elder brother is here."

Zhou Zisong didn't dare to tell him that seriously injured people don't know that they are injured, but they can still support them. Once they know, they will die immediately.

"Brother, go to sleep for a while, I'll watch over here."

Zhou Zixu looked at his elder brother's unshaven beard and red eyes, and he knew how much pressure he was under, so he pushed him to rest in distress.

"No, you go to rest, you will be tired after a long journey."

Zhou Zisong forced his younger brother to sit down, Zhou Zixu felt his hands were cold.

"Brother, are you sick, your hands are so cold? Go and rest! Don't worry, I'm here!"

Zhou Zixu stood up again and advised his eldest brother to rest.

Zhou Zisong didn't dare to press him hard, and sweat broke out on his brow in a hurry.

"Zixu, listen to what Big Brother says."

There was anxiety in his voice, with an unquestionable order.


When Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong were at loggerheads, someone came in to salute and report.

"Come in."

Zhou Zisong didn't even look away from his younger brother's face, for fear of staggering his eyeballs, he would see his younger brother lying on the ground in the next second, closing those eyes that were always stern and unruly forever.

"Minister, are you alright?"

Zhou Zisong gave an order, and the hygienist ran over with the medicine box on his back.

"Sit down, trust big brother, it's okay."

Zhou Zisong comforted his younger brother in a deep voice, as if coaxing a disobedient child.

When Zhou Zixu saw that it was the hygienist who came in, he immediately understood why his elder brother was so nervous.

"Brother, I'm fine. I've checked everything. The bullets are afraid of me, and one of them missed."

Zhou Zixu stood up with a smile and pushed the hygienist away. The little girl's eyes were red, and she looked at Zhou Zixu with adoring eyes.

A respectable person, after winning so many robberies, can he still talk and laugh happily?

"Nonsense, check it out."

Zhou Zisong became angry, and gave Zhou Zixu a serious order.

"Okay, okay, check."

Zhou Zixu was moved by his elder brother's anxiety, sat down honestly, took off his bullet-torn uniform, and waited for the health worker to check.

"Report, just hurt the clothes, there is nothing inside."

After checking, the hygienist couldn't believe his eyes, looked again, and then reported to Zhou Zisong.


(End of this chapter)

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