Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1932 This Vest Saved My Life

Chapter 1932 This Vest Saved My Life

Zhou Zisong didn't believe it at all, so he went to check it himself, lifted Zhou Zixu's silver vest, and looked at his back carefully, it was really smooth, without any trace of being shot.

Slowly put down his clothes and looked at his younger brother suspiciously.

"Don't worry? Go to sleep! I'm working on an attack plan."

Zhou Zixu turned his head and said with a smile to his elder brother ruffian.

"it is good."

The suspicion in Zhou Zisong's eyes didn't dissipate, he promised, but his eyes kept staring at his younger brother's back.

"Brother, do you have a uniform for me?"

Zhou Zixu picked up his uniform, looked at his back that was shattered by bullet holes, and threw it aside in disgust. He didn't like wearing bad clothes.

"No, this is the front line, not the home, put it on honestly."

Zhou Zisong glared at his younger brother, Amy doesn't care about time and place?

"Brother, have you worn the vest that Sihui gave you?"

Looking at the map, Zhou Zixu asked casually.


Zhou Zisong was stunned for a moment, then replied lightly.

The vest is in his luggage bag, he only likes to wear the clothes issued by the unit, he will not wear this kind of vest that shines with silver light.

"Brother, this vest saved my life, I hope you put it on quickly."

Zhou Zixu walked over and whispered something in his ear.

When he was shot, he felt that the bullet hit him, but he was not killed. There was not even a bullet mark on the silver vest.

"is it?"

Zhou Zisong looked at him suspiciously, Zhou Zixu turned around and asked him to take another look.

"I am an example."

"Okay, I'll wear it."

Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother's back, his cold eyes were gloomy and he didn't insist any more.

Zhou Zisong went to bed, and Zhou Zixu worked out a set of attack plan, let the unit rest and eat, and he also seized the time to rest to let his physical strength recover.

Lu Sihui came to the top of the camp in a spaceship and gave instructions to the robot.

"Let's go to war."

After she finished speaking, the corner of her mouth raised a smile, looked at Zhou Zixu's furrowed eyebrows on the screen, and said to him in her heart: "Zixu, we are standing side by side, and I will help you eliminate the danger."

She took the robot to the high ground, fired a laser gun, and wiped out all the people hiding in the dark in ambush in dangerous places.

She also ran to destroy the enemy's cannons and sub-cannons. The lasers in the last days are very powerful.

The enemy didn't realize that their Zishan and Cannon Shan had been destroyed.

After finishing all this, Lu Sihui drove the spaceship to leave Southern Border, and she had to return home. If she was out for too long, it would arouse suspicion.

In the early hours of the morning, Zhou Zixu issued an attack order. He likes to fight with his own hands, leading his teammates to attack from danger.

The strange thing is that no one found out about the heavily guarded place, and they touched it.

I thought in my heart that they must be too tired. They have attacked many times these days, and they must have fallen asleep.

In the early morning, after the first rays of the sun rose, the red flag representing victory was planted on the high ground.

Zhou Zisong looked at the red flag in disbelief. He led a force to attack for so long but still failed to take it down. Why is the younger brother coming and the other party is scared?Attacked once?

After occupying the high ground, Zhou Zisong stayed behind to reorganize, and Zhou Zixu led the people to move on.

When Lu Sihui came home, Yuyan was playing with her classmates in class, fell down, and broke her ankle. This girl was so delicate, she cried and called her mother.

After Sihui left, she refused to let her mother leave for a moment, so Lu Sihui had to accompany her. The inpatient ward was full of people, and she couldn't find time to enter the space capsule. In one day, something big happened ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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