Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1933 Falling into the Valley is More Ominous

Chapter 1933 Falling into the Valley is More Ominous
When Zhou Zixu was attacking in [Qiushan], the opponent's firepower was too fierce, he lost his footing and fell to the bottom of the valley.

The mountains and forests in northern Xinjiang are densely covered with poisonous insects, and there are also many miasmas. It is very dangerous for people to fall into the valley.

Zhang Changshui led people to look for it, while the others continued to attack.

After Lu Sihui comforted her daughter to sleep, she took advantage of the fact that everyone in the ward fell asleep at night and entered the space capsule.

Turned on the screen and searched for Zhou Zixu, but found that he could only be seen densely packed with big trees, covering the sky and the sun, and he was not seen at all.

"Quick, search."

Lu Sihui's right eyelid was twitching, and she eagerly gave orders to the robot.

She herself looked at the screen nervously, the fog blocked the camera, and a blurry figure was lying on the ground, with a red cockscomb snake entangled on the motionless green body.

Lu Sihui was scared out of her wits, a poisonous snake, one bite would kill her.

The person lying on the stomach couldn't see the face, but she could recognize it as Zixu at a glance.

"Take me there right away."

She issued an order to the robot, it was dark, and when the people from the unit searched for Zixu, it was too late.

"it is good."

The robot mechanically agreed, and brought Lu Sihui there with the spaceship.

"Full speed ahead."

Lu Sihui gave orders to the robot.

So, that night, someone who was outside the house saw a ray of light passing by quickly, and everyone who saw it said it was a strange celestial phenomenon.

Lu Sihui arrived in Southern Xinjiang half an hour later, and gave the robot an order: "Go down."

The spaceship quickly fell to the bottom of the valley, and both sides in the fight saw a glare of light passing by, which was fleeting.

The spaceship stopped at the bottom of the valley, and Lu Sihui put on a space suit and led the robot out of the space capsule.

"Go and throw the snake away."

Lu Sihui gave an order to the robot. She was not afraid of poisonous snakes in a space suit, but she was afraid of hurting Zixu.

Although when the poisonous snake was discovered, the robot had already used photofreezing to freeze the snake, but she was still nervous.

This is what people often say that care leads to chaos.

The miasma at the bottom of the valley is very serious. It is all vomited out by poisonous snakes, and the human body cannot bear it at all.

Lu Sihui carefully helped Zhou Zixu up, and saw that his handsome face was covered with scars, and both arms were broken, drooping limply.

His face was purple, and he looked like he had been poisoned.

"Detoxify him, set the bone."

Lu Sihui suppressed her urge to cry and gave orders to the robot.

"It's useless, all the bones on his body are broken, and the broken bones pierced into his lungs, leaving him hanging with one breath."

The robot spoke. If Lu Sihui hadn't fed Zixu the nano-robot, he would have died long ago with this miasma at the bottom of the valley.

"Moving into the capsule."

Lu Sihui ordered the robot with a cold face. The space capsule has the most advanced technology in the last days. [Resurrection Pod] You can tell from the name. As long as you have a breath, you can't die if you send people into the resurrection pod.

"No, it's out of control."

The robot's mechanical answer was cold and impersonal.

"If I can't save him, I will blow myself up and die with him."

A stern look flashed across Lu Sihui's watery eyes, and her voice was as cold as ice in the twelfth lunar month.

She couldn't lose Zixu, in that case, she might as well be dead.

"Okay! But it will reveal the secret. He has strong willpower, and he was revived. There are two results. One is to automatically explode and disappear in the universe, and the other is to automatically bind him as the host. No matter which one, the space capsule will leave you."

The robot replied helplessly, he didn't want to change the owner, let alone destroy it, life is very comfortable now, he doesn't want to change.

"Save him, or detonate me."

(End of this chapter)

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