Chapter 202
"Why? Now I know I'm afraid, why don't you be afraid when you do bad things?"

Li Sihui took a step closer to her, with gloomy eyes and a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

Zhao Yuying threw down a sentence and ran away. It would be a fool not to run at this time. Even Zhou Changjiang was afraid to mention Li Sihui. I heard that she even rode Li Guozhu on her body and beat her madly. How could she be an opponent with her small body?
Seeing that the annoying fly had finally left, Li Sihui walked home leisurely.

The setting sun was fiery red, shining on the grass, and those beautiful wild flowers seemed to be wilting at this moment, listlessly waiting for the night to come.

At this time, the heat of the day was gone, and I felt a little stuffy. It was probably going to rain. After two rounds of rain after crossing, the earth still didn't seem to have enough water.

She doesn't dislike rainy days, but only if she wants to go home.

Just as he was thinking, there was a faint sound of thunder in the sky, muffled like beating a muffled drum.

Her feet picked up speed, she didn't want to be drowned again.

Zhou Zisong stood in front of the window, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking at the fiery red sky, his eyes were dark, what was he thinking?

A milky voice sounded behind him, and there was a hint of a smile on his cold face.


He called out his son's name in a low voice, bent down and picked him up, put him on his neck, and let his son ride on the neck.

"Father, that meat is delicious."

Xiao Dongsheng had a soft spot for the roe deer meat that Li Sihui sent, but it was too gritty, and Grandma Su wouldn't let him eat the leftover meat.

"is it?"

Zhou Zisong asked lightly, unfortunately, the girl must not be willing to eat the meat herself.

"Dad, Dongsheng likes that aunt, can you let her be my mother?"

Xiao Dongsheng is a little ghost, with high eyesight!All the children in the kindergarten have mothers, but he does not.

Those classmates laughed at him, the child felt uncomfortable, and hugged his father's head listlessly.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Zisong rolled his Adam's apple, and scolded him in a low voice, she is a little girl, and it is not good for her to hear her son's nonsense.

"Father, all classmates have mothers, and Dongsheng wants a mother."

Dong Sheng, who always loves to laugh, suddenly felt very sad today, and his big dark eyes were filled with tears.

"Your 1 mother is away, and she will come back to see you when you get [-] points in the test."

Zhou Zisong frowned, helplessness flashed in his eyes, he was so tired of lying to the child.

"Dad, pull the hook."

Dongsheng was not as easy to deceive as before, he stretched out his fleshy little finger, insisting on a guarantee from him.

"Pull the hook."

Zhou Zisong had no choice but to hook up with the child, and stamped his thumbs, one big and one small, together to form a stamp.


The thunder in the sky became louder and more intense, Zhou Zisong looked back at the sky, the Huoshaoyun was covered by dark clouds, and the sky became dark.

Thinking of the distance between the family building and Jianguo Village, the two girls would definitely be drowned.

"Dongsheng, go do your homework." Zhou Zisong ordered, grabbed his raincoat and went outside.

No matter how fast Li Sihui walked, she couldn't keep up with the speed of the dark clouds. Seeing the sky darken, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, she smiled wryly, and she had to be doused again.

Zhao Yuying originally trotted all the way, the farther away from Li Sihui the better, but seeing that it was getting dark, she became afraid, she dared not leave, and stood by the roadside waiting for Li Sihui.

Li Sihui pretended not to see her when she saw her, and strode towards the village by herself.

Zhao Yuying's voice came from behind.

"Wait for me for a while, instead of accompanying you to find Brother Zhou, I've already arrived home."

(End of this chapter)

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