Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 203 It's Just a Cheetah

Chapter 203 It's Just a Cheetah

This is the beginning of complaining, don't you know what you are thinking?Li Sihui didn't bother to wait for her, she walked like flying, and finally ran.

As soon as she ran, Zhao Yuying became even more frightened and chased after her desperately.

"Wait for me, I'm afraid."


Bursts of thunder seemed to explode above their heads, and lightning flashed a dazzling laser.


A huge thunder rang, and the branches not far away were broken by the lightning, and a flame shot into the air.

"Ah, I'm scared to death, brother, dad, hurry up and pick me up!"

Zhao Yuying cried in fright, covered her ears and ran towards the village.

But here is far away from the village!Today's thunder is a bit evil, she is afraid that she will be hacked.

Li Sihui frowned and looked at the sky, thinking that she was a wandering soul who secretly lived in the world, and felt a little panicked.

She doesn't want to die, she cherishes this hard-won rebirth, and she has concerns in this life, if she dies, what will happen to her brother?
The speed under her feet was even faster, and she didn't care about Zhao Yuying who was crying behind her.

In this world, she only cares about her younger brother.

Zhou Zisong drove the car to search along the way. It was too dark, so he turned on the headlights of the car to illuminate the road ahead.

Not far away, a woman staggered and fell to the ground, looking like she was crying.

Zhao Yuying was almost desperate, unable to catch up with Li Sihui, seeing her disappear, in this dark thunderstorm day, she felt surrounded by ghosts and ghosts, she fell to the ground when she got nervous, her palms were all pierced by stones.

Seeing the light of the headlights, she looked back excitedly, and when she saw clearly that it was Zhou Zisong who was driving, she got up and waved desperately.

Zhou Zisong parked the car next to Zhao Yuying, and saw that she was already crying, but it was thunder and rain. As for crying?

Zhou Zisong frowned and ordered her coldly. "Get in the car, where's the other person?"

"Huh? She was in front, left me alone, and ran away by herself."

Zhao Yuying complained to Li Sihui angrily, not wanting Zhou's family to have a good impression of her.


She thought Zhou Zisong was ready to smear Li Sihui by asking what was going on, but the other party didn't say a word and drove in silence like a mute.

"Brother Zhou, are you here to see me off?"

Zhao Yuying tentatively asked, this man is very handsome, although he is a bit cold, but he is very cool, and his personality is very similar to that of his elder brother.

She still likes Zhou Zixu, and it's a good thing to get closer to Zhou Zisong.

At least he could give himself a few good words, Zhou Zixu seemed to listen to his elder brother very much.

"No, by the way."

Zhou Zisong replied distantly, staring straight ahead with his bright and sharp eyes.

This is the only way to go back to Jianguo Village, and Li Sihui should be in front.

do not know why?Ever since she wore her mother's cheongsam, he always saw her wearing a cheongsam, which reminded him unexpectedly of his mother who died young.

A red figure flashed not far away, she ran very fast, her body leaned forward slightly, giving the impression that she was flying on flat ground.

A bright color flashed in her eyes, her speed was that of a cheetah. When she encountered a puddle about six or seven meters long, she leaped up like an ape, grabbed the branches protruding from the road and flew across.

A bright light flashed in Zhou Zisong's eyes. This hand was so beautiful, from vertically to grasping the branch, to leaping to the ground, the movements were done in one go without any flaws.

"Beep beep."

He honked the horn, thinking that Li Sihui would look back, but found that she just moved towards the side of the road and continued to run.

The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and she glanced at the watch on her wrist with icy eyes, and the car drove slowly behind Li Sihui.

(End of this chapter)

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