Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 204 Out of Instinct

Chapter 204 Out of Instinct
Zhao Yuying in the car also saw Li Sihui's series of difficult moves, her eyes widened in shock, when did this fat pig become so powerful?

I secretly rejoiced that I ran fast just now, otherwise she would have to clean it up.

Li Sihui had already given up her seat when she heard the sound of the horn, but instead of not driving past, the car followed her slowly with its headlights on, her heart became angry, she stopped running, and stood on the side of the road glaring at the car.

When she saw clearly that the driver was Zhou Zisong, the chill in her eyes dissipated, and she looked at him quietly to see what he was trying to do.
It is guessed that it is for the roe deer meat she sent, and it is estimated that it is to Xingshi to question the crime.

Her eyes turned indifferent, she had a clear conscience and was not afraid to ask questions.

"Get in the car!"

Zhou Zisong rolled down the car window, activated his thin lips, and spit out three cold monosyllables.

No politeness, no address, indifferent expression, alienated eyes.
Li Sihui looked up at the sky, the dark clouds were pressing down like a hill, the strong wind rolled up the sand and smashed it towards people's faces, and the heavy rain would fall in minutes. At this time, if you try to be brave, you are the one who suffers.

He glanced into the car blankly and saw Zhao Yuying sitting in the back, his brows could not help but frown, she was annoying her and didn't want to sit next to her.

Under Zhou Zisong's gaze, he opened the door and took the passenger seat.

"Close the door."

Zhou Zisong raised his thick eyebrows slightly, he thought Li Sihui would sit in the back, but he didn't expect that she would sit next to him generously.

However, after she got into the car, she didn't observe him secretly like Zhao Yuying did. Instead, she looked forward with a cold face, without even glancing at him from the corner of her eyes.

This made him very satisfied. If Li Sihui was as frivolous as Zhao Yuying, he would unceremoniously drive her into the back seat.

"You jumped up just now, who did you learn from?"

Zhou Zisong started the engine, looked at Li Sihui who had been staring in front of her silently, and suddenly asked a question.

Li Sihui looked at him suddenly, and was faintly startled. She didn't think much at the time, out of instinct, when she saw the ditch, she grabbed a tree branch that she could borrow and flew over. She didn't expect to be discovered by him.

His eyes rolled eagerly, thinking in his heart how should he answer?

"Don't be nervous, I'm just curious, who did you learn from?"

Zhou Zisong's face was still stern, but his voice was deliberately softer, not as hard and cold as before.


Li Sihui had already recovered from her nervousness, and replied lightly.

Think about your own movement, isn't it just like a monkey jumping freely between trees in the mountains!

Zhou Zisong stepped on the accelerator, and the jeep rolled over the ditch and drove forward smoothly.

"Huh? I remember you were fat before."

His questions sounded casual, like small talk.

But Li Sihui could hear the suspicion in his heart. She was terribly obese before, and there were only a few swimming rings on her stomach, and her body couldn't move her fat even if she ran, let alone a jump.

Looking down anxiously, he raised his eyes and replied coldly: "Before I was bitten by a snake, my favorite thing was to play in the mountains, climb trees to dig out bird nests, and watch monkeys play among the trees, so I followed suit."

After she finished speaking, she remained silent. She had explained it. As for whether he believed it or not, it was up to him.

Zhou Zisong looked at her. From his position, he could only see her side face. He found that her nose was beautiful and her eyelashes were long, flickering with her blinking movements, like a butterfly spreading its wings.

He didn't ask any more questions, just looked ahead and drove silently.

(End of this chapter)

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