Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 206 It's time to learn a lesson

Chapter 206 It's time to learn a lesson

When she looked at Zhou Zisong, he happened to look at her too: "Raincoat, take it."

Zhou Zisong threw back to her the raincoat that Li Sihui had returned to him, and at the same time handed her the civilian flashlight, which was not afraid of water.

Li Sihui took the raincoat and hesitated for a while, then looked up at him again, when the lightning flashed, his eyes seemed to be lit by lightning, bright as dazzling pearls.

"Thank you, be careful on the road."

Without looking away, she met his eyes and blurted out.

After I finished speaking, I was wondering, is this what she said?When did she learn to care about other people's lives?
Unaccustomed to this strange feeling, she stopped talking nonsense, opened the door and ran into the rain.

When Zhao Yuying saw her leave, Zhou Zisong looked at him coldly, and drove her out of the car silently!
She had no choice but to get out of the car, and when she stepped on a puddle on the ground, she frowned in disgust, thinking of the asphalt road in the family building again.

She must leave this poor valley.

"Hey, don't leave me behind, the raincoat is for the two of us, come and pick me up."

Seeing Li Sihui put on the raincoat by herself, she hurriedly shouted at her back, the thunder was loud and the rain was dense, her voice was blocked by the thunder.

Li Sihui ignored her and walked ahead with a flashlight.

Zhao Yuying stomped her feet in the blister angrily, the damn fat pig, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

When Zhou Zisong saw this scene, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and there was no superfluous expression on his stern face, which made people feel unfathomable, and he couldn't guess what he was thinking at this moment, what was he planning?
Li Sihui ran all the way, so she would not pay attention to that clamoring Zhao Yuying.

This raincoat was given to her by Zhou Zisong, so she has the right not to let Zhao Yuying use it. This girl who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth should also be taught a lesson.

Zhao Yuying pinned her hopes on Zhou Zisong. Seeing her delicate beauty being thrown into the heavy rain, as a man, he should be rescued by a respectable person, right?
However, the next second, she knew what despair was.

Zhou Zisong steered the rudder beautifully, then steered again, the wheels turned on the muddy ground, and after a horn sound, he drove away.

The original headlights disappeared instantly, and the eyes became pitch black.

It was cold and painful from the rain on her face, she could barely open her eyes, wiped off the rain on her face, and looked towards the direction of the village.

At this time, Li Sihui had already walked a hundred meters away, and she really had no intention of waiting for her at all.

It was pitch black all around, and in the violent storm, there seemed to be countless devils hiding, clamoring and wreaking havoc around her.

She was so frightened that she covered her ears and ran towards the village: "Fat pig, wait for me."

She started calling Li Sihui at the top of her voice, but she just refused to stop and wait for her.

The fluorescent light of the flashlight was getting farther and farther away from her.

Zhao Yuying didn't catch up with Li Sihui in the end, and went home crying.

Seeing the drowned girl, Zhao Yaozu and his wife all gathered around.

"Yuying, your elder brother is going to pick you up, haven't you met?"

"No, Mom, I'm so cold."

Zhao Yuying's face had turned white from the cold, and her teeth were chattering violently. She said something tremblingly, but couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Cold, hungry and scared, she didn't know how she got home.

"Change out your wet clothes quickly, and Mom will make ginger water for you."

Zhou Guifang felt sorry for her daughter, so she didn't care to ask any more questions, so she pushed her into the house, and was busy ordering a cauldron by herself.

Zhao Yaozu was worried about his eldest son, and stood at the door of the house looking at the pouring rain outside.

"I really shouldn't let Jin Chen go. He's just recovering from a serious illness, and it's raining so hard, so nothing can happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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