Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 207 The Terror of the Mountain

Chapter 207 The Terror of the Mountain

"I can't! Isn't everything all right for Jin Chen?"

When Zhou Guifang heard her husband's words, the action of lighting the fire stopped for a while. A mother misses a child.

"Mom and Dad, you all know how to care about elder brother. I didn't see him picking me up at all."

Zhao Yuying, who had changed clothes in the room and shrunk under the blanket, yelled angrily when she heard the conversation between her parents.

She was so wronged that she was almost scared to death and froze to death, but her parents only cared about her elder brother.

After walking all the way back, why didn't she see the figure of her eldest brother?Who knows where he went?

"Your elder brother has been away for a while, and you didn't see him?"

After Zhao Yaozu heard this, he became even more worried. He yelled into the room and didn't dare to go in. He was afraid that his daughter was changing clothes. After all, men and women are different.

"No, he didn't pick me up at all."

Zhao Yuying wiped away her tears, jealousy flashed in her eyes.

In this family, she has always been insignificant, who made her a daughter?

The eldest brother is at work and can send money to the family. The second brother studies well and can honor his ancestors. She is the only one who is not favored by her parents.

"Old lady, I have to go and see."

Zhao Yaozu couldn't sit still anymore, he took a raincoat, put on rain boots, and wanted to find his son with a flashlight.

"Let the second child go with you, it's raining too much, no one will know if you fall down on the road."

Zhou Guifang was worried about him, and held him tightly, calling Zhao Jinchuan to Westinghouse, "Second brother, go find your elder brother with your father."

"I'm reviewing! Brother will be back in a while."

Zhao Jinchuan yelled impatiently in the house, it was raining heavily outside, and thunder was dense, so he didn't want to go out!
Besides, Li Sihui walked in the heavy rain wearing Zhou Zisong's huge raincoat, but she didn't get wet at all.

The distance illuminated by the flashlight is not far, but it is enough to see the road under our feet clearly. It is much more convenient to walk than without light.

The corners of his mouth suddenly raised, the raincoat was just returned today, and now he is wearing it again.

it's too coincidental
Seeing her house from a distance, lightning flashed across, and the inside of the house was pitch black. On a thunderstorm night, Dashan looked extremely terrifying, like a monster opening its mouth to devour her home.

Thinking of her timid brother, she quickened her pace.

The shoes under her feet were newly bought by Zhou Zixu, but now they have turned into mud shoes. The cold rain soaked her shoes, making her cold and wet, making her very uncomfortable.

Walking into the house quickly, she didn't know how scary she was in a raincoat.

Opening the door and entering the room, I heard my brother's exclamation in a different tone.

"Jianguo, what's wrong?"

Li Sihui rushed into the east room with a flashlight, and saw her younger brother huddled in the corner of the kang, shaking like chaff.

"Sister? Is it you?"

Li Jianguo folded his arms with his hands, buried his head on his knees, curled up in the kang, and only dared to raise his head after hearing his sister's voice.

"Of course, otherwise who else?"

Li Sihui took off her raincoat and hung it on the door, and took a photo with her flashlight. Why did she feel like a tall man standing there?It looks scary.

"Sister, have you eaten yet?"

When Li Sihui came back, Li Jianguo found the backbone and jumped off his kang shoes to warm her up.

"Eat, have you eaten?"

Li Sihui lied, there was no big pot at home, only a small iron pot sent by Zhou Zixu, if she wanted to cook, she had to light a fire in the yard, this weather was unrealistic.

"I've eaten. I made muddled porridge tonight, and I left you a bowl."

"How can you be full with just porridge? Have you eaten any roe deer meat?"

Li Sihui frowned and asked, Li Jianguo just hummed, then fell silent, Li Sihui didn't care, half a child could eat it,
"My sister brought you something delicious."

The room was dark, and Li Sihui was not afraid that her younger brother would find out, so she reached out and took out a piece of dried venison from the space capsule.

"Sister, what is this? It smells so good?"

(End of this chapter)

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