Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 212 Just Say Anything

Chapter 212
"No, we brothers seldom sit down and chat like this. Big brother is busy with affairs, and you are not relaxed. We get together less and leave more. I don't care enough for you."

Zhou Zisong glanced at him, and his opening remarks were very formulaic.

"Brother, if you have anything to say, just say it, there is no need for us brothers to do this."

Zhou Zixu snorted and laughed. It was the first time that the eldest brother talked to him in such a serious manner, and he was really not used to it.

Wasn't it all about ordering and scolding before, and wasn't it just as serious as a superior speaking to a subordinate?
what?Today, the elder brother's loving mother is on the body, do you feel that the previous 20 years have left him indifferent?Come to care about him now?

"Brother, I heard about you before, and I always felt that you were indeterminate and liked to chase after beautiful girls. This is not good, but you didn't make any big troubles, so I didn't talk too much, but now you are with two girls at the same time. dating, that's not good."

Zhou Zisong took the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. Zhou Zixu looked at his elder brother quietly, and saw him gently pick up the teapot with his powerful fingers, tilt it slowly, and spit out a thin stream of water from the spout. A thin line hangs down in the air, dripping gurglingly into the teacup.

The majestic and cold elder brother, holding a teapot and pouring water, is indescribably elegant.

He didn't care to listen to what his elder brother said?Just staring at him, he picked up the teacup, shook it lightly in front of his nose, and took a sip between the bright red thin lips.

It was the first time that he found that his eldest brother had a noble temperament, which was different from his usual coldness. According to his understanding of his eldest brother, he should pick up the teacup and drink it all in one gulp, and he would not drink it lightly and slowly.

Zhou Zisong waited for a while, but without waiting for his brother's answer, he raised his eyelids and looked at him lightly.

Seeing him looking at me with a strange expression, it felt like he didn't know him.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?"

He coughed heavily, pulled his younger brother back from his distraction, and stared at him seriously, it's time to take care of him.

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Zixu regained his composure, and returned to his ruffian look, picking his ears with his little finger, and casually replied.

"I said you should find a girl to marry. You shouldn't date two girls together. It's not good."

Zhou Zisong stared at his younger brother sharply, thinking that he had heard his words, but pretended not to hear them.

"When did I date two girls? Brother, no matter how bad I am, I never brought a child back suddenly. You have time to care about me. Why don't you marry Dongsheng's mother back? Let me tell you, when I went to pick him up from the kindergarten, Dongsheng looked enviously at the children whose mothers came to pick them up, and asked me where his mother was?"

Zhou Zixu sneered?He avoided talking about his own affairs, and instead made his elder brother a jun.

You are teaching me with righteous words here, why don't you look at yourself having a child out of wedlock?Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself. If you want to teach others, first check if your body is right?Is the shadow crooked?

"It's about you. You can only choose one of those two girls to date."

Zhou Zisong was obviously very angry when he heard his younger brother's words. He picked up the cigarette case on the coffee table and took out a cigarette. He held the white cigarette between his slender fingers, and reached for the lighter, but his younger brother snatched it away.

"Brother, smoke."

Zhou Zisong took a deep look at his younger brother, and his playful smile was the same as before, as if it wasn't him who just sneered at him.

He leaned over with a cigarette in his mouth, let his younger brother light the cigarette for him, took a deep breath, a smear of blood appeared in front of his eyes, and slowly exhaled the cigarette, enveloping him in the lingering smoke.

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at his elder brother, here he comes again
(End of this chapter)

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