Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 213 Unbearable Past Events

Chapter 213 The Unbearable Past

Whenever grandpa or father asked about Dongxu's mother, the eldest brother always looked so heavy and kept silent.

It's like being immersed in the unbearable past, with an indescribable loneliness and sentimentality all over your body.

Grandpa and father once also guessed, maybe which woman broke the heart of eldest brother?So he doesn't want to mention her.

I don't want to see such a big brother again. In my eyes, he has always been a god-like existence, smart, courageous, calm, self-disciplined, and no matter what he does, he is better than others.

"Brother, believe it or not, those two girls are not my partner. I just help them find teachers. They want to be admitted to the literary and art propaganda team."

Taking a deep breath, his breath was full of the faint scent of tobacco. He stood up annoyed, looked at his elder brother who was immersed in the past, said a word, turned and went upstairs.

Hearing his younger brother's words, Zhou Zisong put out the cigarette in the ashtray, looked up at his younger brother's back, he really grew up.

Ten days have passed, and Li Sihui has made rapid progress from being ignorant of music to being able to understand music scores.

"That's right, your timbre is good. What you need to pay attention to now is the emotion when singing. Only the singing voice full of emotion is good."

Teacher Wang taught her personally, first because Zhou Zixu found her and begged her to teach Li Sihui.

The second is that this girl is hardworking and conscientious, and she will humbly ask for advice if she doesn't understand. Even if there is an erhu player in the team, she will respectfully call her teacher.

Almost everyone likes her, except for wearing a distinctive cheongsam on the first day, the next few days are very simple.

Moreover, the dried venison she gave her was really delicious, and she was not at ease when she was rewarded for nothing. Only by teaching Li Sihui well so that she can be successfully admitted to the art team can she feel at ease.

"Thank you, Teacher Wang."

Li Sihui smiled. Not only was she practicing in the art team, but she was still reading the score when she got home, reviewing it over and over again, practicing singing over and over again until she was satisfied with what she heard.

Zhao Yuying, who was next to her, saw Teacher Wang praising Li Sihui, her eyes turned red with jealousy.

"Ms. Wang, I came with her, why don't you teach me?"

I couldn't help but went to complain to Mrs. Wang, the time was limited, and in a month and a few days, the literature and art propaganda team was about to recruit people, and she was still seriously out of tune, feeling very panicked.

"Didn't you have someone who taught you specifically? Besides, the master leads the door, and the practice is personal. What I taught Li Sihui, I also taught you. Why did she know it, but you can't?"

Teacher Wang looked at her coldly. She was only entrusted to teach her, and she didn't charge her tuition.

It's fine if you don't say thank you, but you still came to ask her for partiality?
"I also studied hard."

Zhao Yuying lowered her head in grievance, blinking her eyelashes, tears were hanging on her eyelashes.

"Well, I didn't say anything, what are you doing this for? If you think my teaching is not good, you can go to the teacher yourself."

Teacher Wang looked at her angrily. Is this a rural girl?She wiped her tears at every turn, as if someone was mad at her.

Don't think she doesn't know, this girl and Fang Fang are very hot, and that girl is also a big-hearted master.

Zhou Zixu has been to the team twice, and each time Fang Fang finds an excuse to chat with Zhou Zixu. She is someone who has been there, can't she understand?

Moreover, Fang Fang often tripped Li Sihui up and down, and Zhao Yuying was usually close to her, and when they were free, they would hide in a corner and whisper.

How can it be possible to betray someone with a good word?
Zhao Yuying didn't expect Teacher Wang to directly order her to leave. She didn't know what it meant to look at her, and she couldn't care less about pretending to be pitiful. Teacher Wang refused to teach her, so how could she get into the art team?

(End of this chapter)

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