Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 215 Toad wants to eat swan meat

Chapter 215 Toad wants to eat swan meat
As soon as I walked out of the gate of the art team, I saw a gray jeep standing across the street, and a tall and stout figure stood beside the car.

Li Sihui's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, she could clearly see that the iron-blooded man opposite him was Zhou Zixu, and the two women standing beside him were Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying.

"Teacher Wang, let's go!"

Li Sihui saw Zhou Zixu waving at her, but she didn't want to face the two women, so she talked to Teacher Wang as if she didn't see Zhou Zixu.

"Wait, I see Xiao Zhou is here, this kid is not bad, I see he waved to you, why ignore him?"

Teacher Wang likes this young man who always smiles at people. He is good-looking, which makes people like him. If he is not put on airs, he is even more admirable.

"I did not see it."

Li Sihui frowned, and finally chose to lie, she didn't want to say that she hated Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying.

"Look, here he comes."

A smile appeared on Teacher Wang's face, and her eyes became kind. She also regarded the old comrade's nephew as her own child.

"Aunt Wang, you've worked hard, I'll take you home."

Zhou Zixu first saluted Mr. Wang with a standard salute, and then grinned. His white teeth glistened in the setting sun, but that smile was very eye-catching.

When he glanced at Li Sihui, he narrowed his eyes in dissatisfaction. This girl pretended not to know him?

Li Sihui glanced at him indifferently, turning a blind eye to his resentful gaze.

"Well, I'll take a special car today."

Mr. Wang is retired from the art troupe, and he has extraordinary feelings for everything there, and his favorite is all kinds of musical instruments.

"Teacher Wong."

In front of Zhou Zixu, Fang Fang wanted to maintain her perfect image. When she saw Teacher Wang coming, she greeted her politely with a kind smile on her face.

"You can go home, you are off work, don't call me teacher anymore."

Teacher Wang glanced at her lightly. She has always had a bad face towards duplicitous people.

Everyone knew Sima Zhaozhi's heart, she could see that Fang Fang was interested in Zhou Zixu, but the girl didn't know how to be reserved, so she posted it on her own.

"Aunt Wang."

Zhao Yuying shouted sweetly, she also wanted to maintain a good and polite image in front of Zhou Zixu.


Teacher Wang just snorted, and Zhou Zixu opened the car door for her personally. Teacher Wang didn't even look at the two hypocritical girls, and got into the car directly.

"Sihui, get in the car."

Seeing Li Sihui standing by the road, she smiled and waved her hand.


Li Sihui agreed, and got into the car under the jealous eyes of Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang.

"Didn't you say that your elder brother is very kind to you?"

Watching the jeep leave in the dust, the smile on Fang Fang's face could no longer be maintained, and she immediately cooled down, speaking to Zhao Yuying with a questioning tone.

"My brother is fascinated by that vixen Li Sihui, and I will tell my grandpa when I get home."

Zhao Yuying accompanied her with a smiling face, but she scolded Fang Fang in her heart: "The toad wants to eat swan meat, so he doesn't want to look at himself."

However, she doesn't dare to offend Fang Fang now, and points at her to help her join the art team!
"How many people do you think the art troupe plans to recruit in our county?"

Fang Fang's eyes flashed with calculations, he can still see Zhou Zixu now, what about in the future?

I really regret it now. I originally reported to drive Li Sihui away, but I forgot that Zhou Zixu came for her.

Zhao Yuying and Li Sihui were no longer studying in the county art team, how could she still see Zhou Zixu?
(End of this chapter)

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