Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 216 Still Very Funny and Humorous

Chapter 216 Still Very Funny and Humorous
"I do not know."

Zhao Yuying's heart skipped a beat. She was half-baked at first, her singing was out of tune, and she couldn't dance. If Fang Fang, a professional actor, followed suit, then she would really have nothing to do with it.

"How about this! I'll help you get admitted to the art team, and you help me introduce your eldest brother."

Fang Fang looked at Zhao Yuying calculatingly, she knew she would agree.

"it is good."

How could Zhao Yuying dare not agree under her gaze?
"By the way, I find something very strange. Your elder brother's surname is Zhou, why is your surname Zhao?"

Suddenly Fang Fang narrowed her eyes and looked at Zhao Yuying, with a half-smile on her face, she couldn't tell if she was happy or angry?
Zhao Yuying was startled, Fang Fang didn't think to ask these days, why did she suddenly ask this today?

Could it be that she was showing her feet just now? After thinking about it carefully, she didn't say anything excessive, and she didn't even dare to look at Zhou Zixu with admiring eyes.

"He is my cousin, my cousin, my mother and his 1.mother are sisters."

Zhao Yuying rolled her eyes for a moment, then smiled, showing a very calm expression.


Fang Fang groaned, but her scrutinizing eyes kept staring at Zhao Yuying, making her feel terrified.

Li Sihui was sitting in Zhou Zixu's car, and she was sitting in the back seat, listening to Teacher Wang chatting with Zhou Zixu.

Suddenly, I found that Zhou Zixu was very good at dealing with people, and he didn't use poor words when chatting. He was also very humorous, which made Mr. Wang laugh.

When I arrived at Teacher Wang's house, I found that there were two children in her family. The older one was a girl, about twelve or thirteen years old, and the younger one was a son, about seven or eight years old.

There are mother-in-law and father-in-law at home, but they all look good.

"Shumin! Why didn't you tell me earlier when you brought your friends back, Mom made two more dishes."

The old lady is very enthusiastic. She is about 50 years old. She is in good spirits, her eyes are shining, and she has a kind smile.

"Mom, I just thought of it on the spur of the moment, just order two more dishes."

Teacher Wang stretched out his arms to hug his son. The child was naughty, hiding in his mother's arms, staring at her and Zhou Zixu secretly with wide eyes.

Li Sihui looked at Teacher Wang and heard what she meant, she planned to keep them for dinner.

"Mr. Wang, I won't eat here anymore. I have a younger brother at home. Please explain to me. When I switch between high and low sounds, I always don't understand."

Li Sihui didn't want to bother Wang Shumin, so she left after asking questions. At this time, the family was short of food.

"Why? Dislike the bad food at Aunt Wang's house?"

Wang Shumin pretended to be angry on purpose, Li Sihui looked at her in embarrassment, she could see that Teacher Wang really wanted to keep her, and it would be boring to be hypocritical.

But he made up his mind in his heart that he would go to the mountain tonight and bring two rabbits over.

Zhou Zixu looked leisurely, and didn't see any embarrassment in him.

Li Sihui frowned and glanced at him, without saying a word, went into the room to study with Teacher Wang.

Here Zhou Zixu wandered out of the courtyard of Wang's house. He had money and tickets, so he went to the supply and marketing agency in front of him to buy a pack of pastries and brought back two bottles of wine.

After Li Sihui followed Aunt Wang to practice the high-bass transition and came out of the house, she saw Zhou Zixu and Aunt Wang's husband talking and laughing, sitting on the kang and eating melon seeds leisurely.

"You child, why do you still buy things after eating at Aunt Wang's house?"

When Wang Shumin saw the wine and cakes on the Kang table, she naturally guessed that Zhou Zixu bought them, and complained to him with a straight face.

"Aunt Wang, I bought it for two elderly people."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, and glanced at Li Sihui from the corner of his eye, which meant to ask her, "Am I very polite?"

(End of this chapter)

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