Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 220 You Are So Cheap

Chapter 220 You Are So Cheap
Li Sihui glared at her younger brother. She was kind to him because he knew how to care about her and gave her protection and warmth when she first came to this world.

Li Laogen is not worthy to be the father of the original owner. What she did after she came back to life was outrageous. She had no blood relationship with him, so it was a waste to give him a bite.

"Sister, Dad is crying very pitifully."

Li Jianguo pinched the front of his shirt with his hands, his voice was softer than a mosquito.

"Hmph, I think it's time for you to learn a lesson."

Li Sihui looked at her younger brother with hatred, since he was so soft-hearted, she should make him suffer.


Li Jianguo didn't understand what Li Sihui meant, so he yelled in a low voice.

Li Sihui ignored him again, but dropped the things in her hands, and went straight into the mountain with a backpack on her back.

"Sister, you haven't eaten yet! I left some food for you."

Seeing that his sister ignored him, Li Jianguo panicked and chased after her and shouted at her back.

Li Sihui walked away without looking back as if she didn't hear it.

Li Jianguo lowered his head sadly, for his father, offending his sister who loves him the most is not worth it.

Li Sihui walked on the road in anger, and when she reached the foot of the mountain, she squinted her eyes and looked at the dilapidated house not far away.

Unable to swallow this breath, she ran directly to Li Laogen's house with a sickle in her hand.

Inside the room, with a flattering smile on his face, Li Laogen gave Liu Jingyun the meat he cheated from his son.

"Daughter-in-law, you eat, just leave me a bite."

"That's all? Why are there fewer and fewer?"

Liu Jingyun looked at the tofu-sized piece of rabbit meat in the bowl, and complained dissatisfiedly to Li Laogen.

It's just such a little food, the three of them don't have enough to eat, so leave some for him?Why do you think it is so beautiful?

"Small water flows, don't let that dead girl see it, otherwise this point will be gone, give me a piece to eat, walk this way, I'm so hungry."

Li Laogen sucked his saliva, his eyes almost fell on the meat.

Liu Jingyun glanced at Li Laogen in disgust. The timid and thin old man drove him away long ago, not because he was still useful.

Pulling off a piece of meat the size of a thumbnail, he handed it to Li Laogen as alms, still muttering to make him thank himself.

"I'll give you a piece. Is it because the daughter-in-law loves you? Let's see what kind of girl you are raising?"

"This smells like sticky meat. I haven't tasted anything. Give me another piece!"

Li Laogen put the small piece of meat into his mouth, without chewing it, he just swallowed it, which aroused the greed even more.

With a smiling face, continue to plead with Liu Jingyun.

"Let me tell you, if you go to cry with your son again, he can still give you a piece. You see, that's all. When Guozhu is growing up again, are you ashamed to compete with your child for food?"

Liu Jingyun rolled her eyes, and began to talk to Li Laogen again. During the conversation, she gave most of the piece of meat to Li Guozhu, and the rest was divided between herself and her daughter Li Lanni.

Li Laogen swallowed his saliva, watching the meat being divided, and then the three of their mothers ate so much that their mouths were full of oil, and he swallowed his saliva so greedy.

Liu Jingyun's words seemed to have magical powers, and he also felt that if he asked his son for another piece, he should be able to give it.

He walked towards the door, and when he opened the door, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Si Hui, why are you here?"

Ever since his daughter became beautiful, Li Laogen regretted it countless times. When she was fat and stupid, there was a handsome sergeant around her. Now that she has become so beautiful, she will definitely be able to accompany the people in the city. If he did not offend She can enjoy happiness along with her.

"You are so cheap."

(End of this chapter)

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