Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 221 Don't Force Me

Chapter 221 Don't Force Me
Li Sihui looked at him with contempt, the original owner's father, in order to cheat his wife after beard, did not hesitate to lie to his own son.

It's fine for him to eat the cheated meat, and he will give him a small piece like a charity. I have seen a bitch, but I have never seen such a bitch.

"What do you say?"

Li Laogen pretended to be confused, glanced secretly into the room, clutched the door with both hands, ready to shut Li Sihui out at all times.

"stand up."

Li Sihui pushed him away, feeling sick when she saw him.

Entering the room with a sickle in hand, he saw three mothers in the room piled up in the corner of the kang, clutching the pillows and looking at her nervously.

"What do you want to do?"

Liu Jingyun asked her tremblingly, she was frightened by the fact that Li Sihui had become disrespectful since her resurrection.

Li Guozhu looked at the beautiful Li Sihui who looked like a fairy, but he had more plans in his heart.

I couldn't beat her before, it was because she was fat, and she couldn't get up when she sat under her ass.

Now that she is thinner, it should be fine to clean her up, right?
It's just that I think so in my heart, but I still dare not take action.

She was scared of being beaten last time, and this woman killed her, and now she is holding a sickle in her hand.

I only have a pillow and a bowl in my hand.

Li Sihui glanced at the kang table, the bowl was empty, and then at the three women, there was still oil stains on the corners of their mouths that they hadn't had time to wipe off.

"Let me tell you, if you come to my house in the future, I don't guarantee that I will come and set fire to you in the middle of the night. No one is used to me being crazy."

"I do not understand you?"

Liu Jingyun bit her to death and refused to admit it. She was very afraid that if this dead girl looked at Li Jianguo in the future, she would not be able to eat anything.

"Hmph, look at this."

Li Sihui picked up the sickle and chopped it down towards the rice bowl, cutting it in half.

Staring at their third mother with cold eyes, her voice was as cold as from hell:
"Let me know next time. I will castrate your son first, and then scratch your daughter's face. Don't force me."

When Li Sihui said these words, her eyes were gloomy, and Liu Jingyun was so frightened that her hands and feet were cold.

Both the daughter and the son are her fate. If Li Sihui's statement is followed, both children will be ruined.

"Lao Li, take care of your daughter."

At this moment, she saw Li Laogen protruding from the door and yelled at him.

"Sihui! It's none of their business, it's Dad who was greedy and asked for a piece of meat, and he won't do it again."

Li Laogen hurriedly coaxed Li Sihui with a smiling face, never again next time?
It was nothing more than never letting her see it again.


With a crisp sound, Li Laogen covered his face in astonishment, and looked at his daughter in disbelief.

His face was burning with pain, this girl really hit him.

"I'm your father. Are you afraid of hurting the sky if you beat me?"

"Next time, I'll kill you like a chicken."

Li Sihui directly put the sickle on Li Laogen's neck, shameless man, she wants to teach him to be honest.

The cold sickle, pressed against the skin, as if with a little effort from her, his neck would break.

Li Laogen was so frightened that his whole body became cold and he dared not move.

"Girl, dad doesn't dare anymore, quickly take the sickle away, or someone will die."

"Remember, I'll cut your throat next time. Have you ever killed a chicken? I'll kill you, it's as easy as killing a chicken, and you three, if you make trouble, I'll kill you."

After Li Sihui threatened, she stopped talking to these trembling people, turned around and walked out of the house with a sickle in her hand, believing that Li Laogen would not have the courage to go there to find a bargain.

As for her younger brother Li Jianguo, she planned to keep him cold for a while, to let him know what the price would be for betraying her?
(End of this chapter)

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