Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 222 Resolutely Walking into the Night

Chapter 222 Resolutely Walking into the Night

The night in the mountains is much cooler than the sweltering heat of the day.

Li Sihui was walking on the mountain road with a scythe, and suddenly stopped. She was preoccupied and angry, why did she forget to give Zhou Zisong a raincoat and a flashlight?
Carrying a sickle and rushing home, when she rushed to the village entrance with a raincoat and a flashlight, where could Zhou Zisong be found?The jeep had already left.

A little disappointed, she lowered her hand, isn't she breaking her promise?

She pursed her lips and thought for a while, she didn't want to be a person who broke her promise.

Holding a raincoat and a flashlight, I resolutely walked into the night.

The road was quiet, and from the woods on both sides of the road, there were cicadas, frogs, and crows from time to time.

This dense birch forest looks beautiful during the day, but it is more eerie and terrifying at night.

Girls are usually afraid, but Li Sihui doesn't feel this way.

The end of the world has experienced much more than this scary scene, and she found that her courage is so bold that it can cover the sky.

An hour later, she was standing at the gate of the family building, and the guards would not let her in as usual, so she had to ask them to call the Zhou family.


A horn sounded from behind, Li Sihui just moved to the side of the road, and didn't look to see who was sitting in the car?
"Are you here looking for me?"

Seeing Zhou Zisong honking the horn, Li Sihui didn't even look at her, instead she rolled down the window and asked her a question.

It wasn't loud, but the night was quiet, and she still heard it.

She suddenly raised her head to look at Zhou Zisong, doubts flashed in her heart, he drove away first, and she came to look for him after walking, why did he walk behind her?

Moreover, why is he so sure that he must have come to look for him?

"Are you giving me a raincoat and a flashlight?"

Seeing that Li Sihui just looked at him suspiciously and didn't answer the question, Zhou Zisong knew what she was thinking?Raising the corner of her mouth slightly, she pointed to the raincoat in her hand.

"Oh yes, I'm here to give you a raincoat."

Li Sihui blushed slightly, and hurriedly handed over her raincoat and flashlight.

"Actually, I still have some, so you don't have to rush to bring them back to me."

Zhou Zisong, who has always been reticent, said a few more words today.

"Uh, I told you to wait, but something delayed me."

Li Sihui's expression had turned to normal at this moment, and she said something lightly, and she was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, I'll take you back."

Zhou Zisong casually threw the raincoat on the back seat of the car, opened the co-pilot's door and let Li Sihui get in the car.

"No, it's troublesome to run back and forth."

Li Sihui hesitated for a moment, and rejected Zhou Zisong's proposal out of the mentality of not wanting to cause trouble for Zhou Zisong.


There was an order in Zhou Zisong's voice, and he looked at Li Sihui seriously.

It was dark and the road was rough, and no one could see someone hiding in the woods. It was too dangerous for a beautiful girl to walk alone on the road.

"no need."

Li Sihui frowned and glanced at him, she didn't like others ordering her.

Just walk away and don't talk to him anymore.

Zhou Zisong frowned and looked at her back. The night was dark, and he quickly hid her in the darkness.


He glanced at the house that was close at hand, and then looked in the rearview mirror, but the girl was nowhere to be seen.

In the end, he still turned the steering wheel and drove into the night instead of entering the house.

The doorman called back, and the beautiful girl was gone at the door, he frowned, was he playing tricks on him?
Reluctantly, he had no choice but to turn around and go back, calling the Zhou family again to inform him.

After Zhou Zixu answered the phone, he glanced at the sky outside, picked up the car keys on the coffee table, and muttered, "What the hell is she doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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