Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 223 Can't afford to lose this person!

Chapter 223 Can't afford to lose this person!
Still worried, that girl was too stubborn, and the trouble she had had before was very unpleasant, so he decided not to ignore her anymore.

But now I still worry about her for nothing.

"Too ignorant, it's better than my Dongsheng being obedient!"

When he walked to the door to put on his shoes, he was still muttering.

"Zixu, what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Mr. Zhou went downstairs on crutches. When he saw Zhou Zixu was about to open the door and leave, he called him to stop displeased.

"Grandpa, I have something to do when I go out, I'll be back in a while."

Zhou Zixu turned his head and smiled. Grandpa came back from City B today. He was under control again, and his freedom was gone.

"Don't wander around, play chess with grandpa."

Mr. Zhou looked at his grandson majestically. He loved him the most, and his mother died soon after he was born.

"Uncle, why hasn't my father come back?"

Dong Sheng supported the grandfather, saying that he was helping, the little guy was so short, how could he help the grandfather, he could only pull his lapel.

"Dongsheng misses Dad?"

Zhou Zixu smiled and opened his arms to him. Everyone loves this child, but he cherishes him the most.

"Dad hasn't come back for two days."

Dongsheng pouted, muttering aggrievedly.

"Dad is busy at work, you are his son, you should understand him."

Mr. Zhou looked at his great-grandson seriously. It was a good thing to have a great-grandson, but the unknown origin caused the Zhou family to be criticized.

Zhou Zisong's promotion was almost affected, not because he made a major contribution, so with this one blemish, he would never be promoted again.

So he couldn't tell what it was like to Dongsheng, rare is for sure, this kid can deceive people.

But he didn't spoil him, and was always strict with him.


Dongsheng was a little afraid of his grandfather, he dared not say a word.

"Grandpa, can we stop being so strict with Dongsheng? Didn't the eldest brother not delay anything?"

Zhou Zixu couldn't help but speak up for his nephew, he's only four years old, does he need to be so strict?
"The child has to be taken care of from a young age. Did your elder brother call today? Did he say that the unit has a task?"

Mr. Zhou's face was still serious, but he was helping Dongsheng to ask Zhou Zixu.

"Haha, grandpa, my eldest brother is the director, and I'm just a small team leader. Can he tell me anything?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his grandfather with a playful smile, winked secretly at Xiao Dongsheng, and made faces with him.

That means, look at your grandfather still loves you very much.

"Ahem, I'm 23 during Chinese New Year, and I'm not in shape yet. Grandpa is still waiting to drink his granddaughter-in-law's tea! Your elder brother can't point it out, so don't learn from him."

Mr. Zhou frowned and stared at his little grandson. With such a rebellious character, he might imitate his boss one day and bring him back a great-grandson.

The old Zhou's family is well-known in the higher-level unit, so I can't afford to lose this person!
"Grandpa, only my elder brother can do this. Don't worry, if I marry a daughter-in-law, I will do so in a fair manner. I will get the certificate first and then get in the car."

Zhou Zixu walked over and put his arms around Grandpa's arm, what he said seemed to be obedient, but the old man frowned when he listened.

"What do you say?"

"Hee hee, Grandpa, drink tea first, I'll be right back."

Zhou Zixu helped his grandfather with a smile, let him sit on the sofa, and poured him a cup of tea himself.

Immediately afterwards, he proposed to leave, but this time the old man just waved his hand and did not stop him.

Who told the little grandson to be so good at coaxing people?

Zhou Zixu got his grandfather's pardon, and hurriedly took the key and walked into the night. He had to hurry up, otherwise he might not be able to catch up with that girl.

(End of this chapter)

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