Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 224 Coming and not being indecent

Chapter 224 Coming and not being indecent

Li Sihui was in a hurry to urinate halfway, and looked around to see if there was no one around. She entered the woods beside the road. Not long after she entered, a jeep sped past.

When she finished solving her metabolism and came out of the woods, the road was quiet again.

I want to continue running back, but unfortunately the shoes I bought are not strong. The clips on the shoes were broken because of the galloping all the way just now, and the heels of the shoes fell off when she took a step, and the laces were easy to step on the bottom of the feet.

After walking a few steps, she couldn't bear it any longer, she frowned and looked at the shoes on her feet worryingly, not to mention running like this, walking was strenuous.

Had to bend down to tuck the laces into the upper, but it was uncomfortable.

"What broken shoes?"

Muttering angrily, there was a car headlight flashing behind her, she moved aside, don't get hit again, that would be wronged.

"Hi, do you need help?"

The jeep stopped beside her, Zhou Zixu rolled down the window and looked at her with a smile.

Suddenly, I realized that every time I met her, it was when she was in trouble.

"You came just in time, take me home."

Seeing that it was Zhou Zixu, Li Sihui opened the door and got into the car, and gave him orders without hesitation.

"Happy to serve."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face deepened, he stepped on the accelerator, and the jeep sped along the road.

"Where are you going?"

Li Sihui asked suddenly, and Zhou Zixu looked at her excitedly, knowing that he cared about him.

"I heard the guard say you're coming, so I came out to look for you. I chased here all the way, but I didn't see you. I was so worried."

Zhou Zixu's voice sounded in the dark carriage, deep and lazy but with a bit of seriousness.

Especially the last sentence touched Li Sihui a lot.

Turning to look at him, the light in the car was too dim to see his face clearly.

She has never been cared about by anyone, this sentence is so worrying, and Li Sihui is very moved.

"Thank you. I'll treat you to some meat later."

She is making an appointment in good faith, in her opinion, this is called indecent, and she is unwilling to owe favors.

"Okay! I like to eat."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, and his white teeth could be seen in the dark carriage.

Li Sihui stared at him for a while, sometimes he really looks like a big innocent boy.

It's a pity that she likes calm and courageous men.

"Why don't you look like your brother?"

When she said something suddenly, the smile on Zhou Zixu's face froze, and he clenched the steering wheel with both hands.

"you like him?"

Zhou Zixu asked a question very hard, and then regretted it after asking, what should he do if she said she liked it?
Li Sihui looked at him in confusion, and what he asked almost made Zhou Zixu spit blood.

"Like what?"

"Are you really not understanding, or are you pretending to be confused with me?"

He was a little angry, thinking that Li Sihui was playing Tai Chi with him.

"I don't know, but I admire your brother, he's like."

Li Sihui swallowed half of her words, she actually wanted to say that he was a bit like the commander of a spaceship, ruthless, but able to bring people to life.

That is a man who can be obeyed at a glance. No one will refuse to carry out his orders.

"Like what? Does he look as good as me?"

Zhou Zixu asked Li Sihui angrily, since he was a child, everyone used his elder brother to compare him with him.

He didn't care before, but now he cares a lot.

Li Sihui looked at him with her neck tilted, feeling that he was a little unreasonable.

"Women need to be good-looking, men need to be tough and domineering, you don't have that."

Li Sihui unceremoniously pointed out what she didn't appreciate about him. A man, smiling all day long, picks and chooses, like a child.

"That's what you want me to be?"

(End of this chapter)

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