Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 233 What's the matter with you?

Chapter 233 What's the matter with you?

He looked at the roasted golden rabbit with a smile, but there was a bloody look in front of his eyes, and he lost his only appetite.

"It's ready, I'll give you the thigh."

Li Sihui broke off a piece of meat, tasted it, nodded in satisfaction, not afraid of being burned, and directly broke off a rabbit leg and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zixu was holding the roasted rabbit in his hand, but his eyes were on Li Jianguo, who was swallowing his saliva.

Standing up, under Li Sihui's puzzled gaze, she walked towards Li Jianguo.

Li Sihui's eyes flashed, and she immediately guessed what he was going to do?
Without saying a word, he silently pulled off a roasted rabbit leg and ate it as if no one was around.

"It's so delicious! The roasted rabbit tastes delicious."

She deliberately raised her voice, and those who watched the excitement outside had no intention of watching Liu Jingyun and Zhao Cuihua fight, and stared at the yard, watching Li Sihui munching on barbecue and gulping down her saliva.

"Give you."

"No, I won't eat."

Zhou Zixu handed the rabbit legs to Li Jianguo, but he waved his hands repeatedly, his voice was low, and his eyes were secretly looking at his sister.

Seeing that she didn't even look at him, he lowered his head sadly.

Holding the skirt of her shirt with her hands, she knew that her sister was really angry this time.

"Eat it! Don't make your sister angry in the future, you see so many people outside watching your sister's jokes, you are a man, you must protect her."

Zhou Zixu's voice was very low, with an unprecedented seriousness. Li Sihui couldn't help but look at him, but from her position, she could only see his firm back.

The faint moonlight shone on him, and Li Sihui suddenly had the illusion that he and Zhou Zisong overlapped a bit.

But this thought just flashed by, she shook her head, whatever it was?It has nothing to do with her.

After losing weight, her appetite became lighter, and one rabbit leg was basically full.

The rest is the rabbit body, not much meat, but it is also very fragrant.

"Zhou Zixu, come and eat!"
She shouted towards Zhou Zixu's back.

"Keep it to eat! I'm going home, go to bed early."

Zhou Zixu forced the rabbit's leg to Li Jianguo, and turned to look at Li Sihui. There were sparks on the ground, some of which were still alive. Under the flickering light, her expression could not be seen clearly.

Stepping towards the door, he didn't want to eat.


Li Sihui called him to stop, always felt that he was very strange tonight, so she walked into the room quickly, took a basin and put the leftover roasted rabbit on it.

"Take it back, and I'll treat you to a roasted rabbit."

She stuffed the basin into Zhou Zixu's hand, if you don't eat it at my house, you will eat it when you go back.

"Oh, good."

Zhou Zixu looked down at the cooked rabbit body in the basin, and instead of rejecting Li Sihui's kindness, he smiled softly at her.

Li Sihui was stunned, his usual smile was ruffian, it was different from this moment.

"Hey, go home and fight, or I will send you all to the commune and disturb the public order."

When facing Li Sihui, Zhou Zixu was amiable.

When he went out, he became arrogant, and stopped the two wrestling women without any politeness.

Liu Jingyun suffered a bit, her hair was pulled off a lot, and her face was red.

Zhao Cuihua was better than her, she was a good fighter in fights, she was basically uninjured, except that her nose was bleeding when Liu Jingyun hit her.

"none of your business?"

Liu Jingyun got up, brushed her hair behind her ears, and yelled at Zhou Zixu.

I hate this kid so much, let her daughter not like it, so I protect this dead girl.

"Why is it none of my business? I'm a man of iron and blood, and I have to deal with disrupting social order."

Zhou Zixu became serious, it was also chilly, frighteningly cold.

Zhao Cuihua thought of being taken to the commune before, and was so frightened that she turned around and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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