Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 234 I feel something is wrong

Chapter 234 I feel something is wrong
Liu Jingyun gritted her teeth, not daring to be tough with him, seeing that he was holding a basin in his hand, and there were delicious roasted rabbits in it.

"Why do you take things from the people?"

Her eyes lit up, and she flashed a calculation in excitement, pointing at Zhou Zixu and complaining.

"I gave it to him, Gongnong Bingyushuiqing, what? You want to destroy it?"

Li Sihui stepped out of the yard with a sarcastic smile on her lips.

In the original owner's memory, these words were all spoken by the village chief, so it's just right to use them now.

"Yes, do you want to destroy it?"

Zhou Zixu felt suffocated in his heart, feeling that Li Sihui cooperated well, stared at Liu Jingyun coldly, and forced a step forward.

"I, I dare not."

Liu Jingyun was so frightened that she took a few steps back. Seeing that Zhao Cuihua had run away, she didn't dare to stay any longer, and turned to run home, as if being chased by a wolf.

The others originally wanted to see if Zhou Zixu would leave?Seeing that he has already opened the car door and got in the car, what's the fun here?
"It's okay, don't think about others with dirty thoughts, and use those thoughts on production. It's not difficult to have a full stomach."

Zhou Zixu was doing ideological education to these people in the car. He felt that ignorance is not terrible, but dirty thinking.

"Yes Yes."

These old women were watching the excitement, and when they saw that they were on fire, they were more timid than each other, nodding and smiling in agreement.

Seeing Zhou Zixu drive away.

The road in the mountains was dusty, and the women coughed from choking, covered their mouths and closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, the car had long since disappeared.

"Let's go away! It's hard work for my aunts to come to my house in the middle of the night to smell the meat."

Li Sihui looked at these people with a half-smile, she did it on purpose just now, didn't she come to see her joke?
She just let them satisfy visually and olfactorily, look, how kind she is.

Those old women who were called aunts were so angry that something was wrong.

The smell of meat is such a big temptation for them who have not eaten meat all year round, the gluttons in their stomachs are crazy.

Zhou Zixu was driving on the road, looking at Potzi from time to time, and the corners of his mouth raised into a perfect arc.

Happily whistled, opened the car window, and let the night wind blow in.

Back at the family building, he got out of the car with the basin in his hand. He didn't want to eat it, but Dongsheng must love it.

He opened the door with the key, and the light in the living room was still on. After a glance, he saw that the eldest brother was playing chess with his grandfather.

"Zixu, why did you come back? What's the smell? Why is it so fragrant?"

Old man Zhou smelled the fragrance and turned to look at his grandson.

"Grandpa, roast rabbit, do you want to eat it?"

Zhou Zixu changed his shoes, walked over with a basin in his hands, and glanced at the chessboard on the table. It was no surprise that the eldest brother won again.

"Brother, you can't let grandpa do it once, dead dogma."

Zhou Zixu looked at his elder brother complainingly. The reason why grandpa was willing to play chess with him was that he would win two out of five games, and he would lose one game of chess with his elder brother.

"In the face-to-face, you should not give up an inch of ground."

Zhou Zisong frowned and looked at his younger brother. He will not cheat. Playing chess and fighting are the same thing. If you should win, why should you lose?
"Let me tell you, brother, your character is hopeless, and whoever marries you will be unlucky."

Zhou Zixu shrugged, he couldn't explain clearly to him.

Pushing the chessboard away, the grandfather of the provincial government looked at it and was heartbroken.

"Grandpa, you eat first, I'll get you wine."

"Okay, good grandson knows grandpa's heart best."

Grandpa Zhou smiled, and looked at the eldest grandson with deep locks, probably about to start preaching again.

(End of this chapter)

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