Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 237 Is a Manufacturable Talent

Chapter 237 Is a Manufacturable Talent

"Brother, are you still exercising?"

Zhou Zixu walked into the room without lighting the lights, but the moonlight came in from the window, and everything in the room was clearly visible.

He didn't close the door, leaning against the door frame, quietly watching his elder brother doing push-ups.

"If you want to beat me, you can start now."

Zhou Zisong didn't raise his head, his voice was as cold as ever, as indifferent as ice.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu smiled, gracefully unbuttoned, took off his clothes and shirt, only wearing a white vest, and walked over to meet his brother face to face.

"Tonight, let's see who gets down first."

After Zhou Zixu finished speaking, he quickly fell down, lying on the ground, supporting the ground with his arms, and began to practice against Zhou Zisong.

"Walk a hundred with one arm."

Zhou Zisong put one hand behind his back, propped one hand on the ground, and looked at his brother provocatively with cold eyes.

It has always been harder to let my brother train with me than to kill a pig.

In the unit, he is only willing to complete the routine training, and does not do much else. Although the routine training, he does very well.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu smiled, and imitated his eldest brother, with one arm behind his back, and the two brothers faced each other.

The speed is the same fast, falling together, rising together, no one is slower than the other.

"Okay, two fingers to go two hundred."

After finishing one hundred push-ups, Zhou Zisong asked Zhou Zixu another problem.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu came without refusing, put two fingers on the ground, and the two brothers began to count, this time it was naturally much slower than before.

Big drops of sweat fell on the ground, both of them were very tired.

"Is it okay?"

Zhou Zisong looked up at his younger brother. Sweat ran down his handsome eyebrows, ran across the tip of his nose, and dripped onto the floor. His arms were also wet.

I didn't notice it before, my brother's arms are also full of bulging muscles, saying that he didn't train well, where did these muscles come from?

"Okay, change hands for another two hundred."

Zhou Zixu smiled, his pair of bright peach blossom eyes showed a rare determination.

"It seems that that girl has a great influence on you."

Zhou Zisong did not refuse his younger brother's challenge, he changed hands and started again.

But a sentence suddenly came out of his mouth, and the figure of the girl flying among the trees appeared in front of his eyes.

"Yes, I've taken a fancy to her, and this time I'm serious."

Zhou Zixu bravely admitted that in his opinion, he would say it if he likes it, why should he hide it in his heart?

"Okay, then you have to work hard, she doesn't look easy to chase."

Zhou Zisong laughed, it's a good thing that his younger brother is enlightened, that girl is a talent, he will continue to observe.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart. I believe that I can touch her heart. Even if her heart is a stone, I will warm her up."

The corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth curled into a gentle smile, that girl really looked like a stone.


Li Sihui silently packed her things in the yard, and Li Jianguo hurried over to help.

"Sister, let me come!"

Li Sihui threw him away, still keeping a cold face without saying a word, and she didn't even glance at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Sister, I know I was wrong. You can hit me or scold me, but don't ignore me."

Li Jianguo broke down a little, crying and begging Li Sihui.

"What am I scolding you for? How filial!"

Li Sihui raised one corner of her mouth coldly, she knew Li Laogen's thoughts very well.

It's a rare time to be tough, to force death, not to allow the village chief to change the surnames of their siblings, because it's not because they want to take advantage of them in the future.

If you bear his surname, you will always be his son and daughter, and you must take care of him.

"Sister, I was wrong, in the future."

Li Jianguo wiped away his tears, thinking firmly in his eyes, even if his father died in front of him, he didn't care, but when it came to the latter, he hesitated again.

(End of this chapter)

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