Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 238 Do You Like Him?

Chapter 238 Do You Like Him?

Li Sihui had already cleaned up while speaking, turned around and entered the house, and threw her brother into the yard, not wanting to listen anymore.

Li Jianguo stood in the courtyard by himself, and the bright moon brought a chill. He looked up at the dark sky, tears filled his eyes little by little.

He also wanted to be cruel, but why couldn't he learn?

Li Sihui threw the shoes into the space capsule, asked the robot to repair them, and lay on the Kang with her clothes on.

She saw the boy standing in the courtyard, but she didn't intend to call him into the house, she closed her eyes and entered the space capsule, took a bath in the light wave area, and the clothes were naturally washed by the light wave.

After getting out of the space capsule, she closed her eyes and lay on the Kang, and soon fell asleep.

"you like him?"

I don't know which annoying ghost came to disturb her dream, and asked lazily in her ear.

"Like what?"

She asked dreamily.


Damn it, why didn't he say it?Li Sihui frowned and stared at the other party, but found that she couldn't see his face clearly at all.

In the early morning of the next day, the rooster crowed, and the sparrows in the mountains ran to the farmyard to chatter and make noise.

"Listen up, everyone, gather at the threshing ground immediately, and go to work in the fields today."

The loudspeaker sounded, and the village chief's voice came into his ears. He could be heard screaming with his neck stretched out, and there was a broken sound in his voice.

"Sister, let's go to the ground."

Li Jianguo stood in the yard by himself for half the night last night, but he didn't see his sister calling him, so he panicked even more.

Having made a painful choice in his heart, he finally felt that his sister was the most important, and he couldn't lose her.

Li Sihui sat up, still not looking at Li Jianguo, as if she didn't hear him speak.

The shoes are on the ground, and the robot repairs the shoes very well, and they no longer fall off after wearing them.

"Sister, I've prepared a meal, let's go to the field after eating."

Li Jianguo fawned over him and led Li Sihui to the kitchen, pointing to the porridge and steamed buns on the table, as well as the rabbit leg that brother Zhou gave him last night.

Li Sihui's bright eyes swept across the table, and finally landed on the rabbit's leg.

He looked away indifferently, took a basin to wash his face, and combed his hair in front of the mirror.

"Sister, I'll give you the rabbit leg."

Li Jianguo gave Li Sihui the rabbit's leg, with a flattering smile on his face, but pleading in his eyes.

Li Sihui refused to take it, and threw the rabbit leg directly on the table: "You can continue to be your good son."

The cold words were so heartless that Li Jianguo bowed his head sadly.

"Sister, Dad said they beat him, you know those people, me."

The boy was still kind-hearted, and couldn't bear his father being punished.

"Hmph, he can leave them. Do you know who feeds the meat you give?"

Li Sihui looked at him with a frown, seeing his sad eyes, felt an inexplicable pain in her heart.

It should be that the original owner is still reluctant to part with this younger brother.

"Sister, I was wrong, and I won't care about him in the future." Li Jianguo cried, and he cried very sadly.

"Eat quickly, go to work after eating, if you don't eat the rabbit legs, you still want to give them."

Li Sihui frowned, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart, and pinched the rabbit's leg to her younger brother.

"No more, I'll eat."

After a meal, the siblings settled their suspicions and went to the ground together with a hoe on their shoulders.


On the way to the square, I met Dr. Xing. He was still wearing the same clothes, but they were cleanly starched. There were not many wrinkles on the clothes, and he could tell the difference from the rural people at a glance.

He is usually an inconspicuous existence. He behaves like a man with his tail between his legs. He always smiles when he sees everyone, and then makes way for him.

Talking to Li Sihui like this today is not like his cautious style.

(End of this chapter)

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