Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 239 I was cheated by my daughter again

Chapter 239 I was cheated by my daughter again

"Doctor Xing."

Li Sihui greeted him lightly, but it was just a chance meeting, she didn't intend to have too much interaction with him.

From the time travel to the present, too much trouble has been caused.


Dr. Xing frowned, and looked behind Li Sihui hesitantly.

Li Laogen's family of four came over carrying hoes. He didn't say any more, and left silently with his head down.

Li Sihui looked at his back suspiciously, this man had a very mysterious feeling.

I didn't pay much attention to him that night, but today he seemed to come to her on purpose.


Li Laogen greeted his daughter with a smile when he saw his daughter. There were several new scars on his face, which seemed to be scratched by Liu Jingyun.

Li Sihui glanced at him sarcastically, it would be embarrassing for a man to live like him.

Ignore him and drag Li Jianguo away.


Seeing his daughter ignoring him, Li Laogen tried to call his son.

Li Jianguo kept his head down and followed behind his sister, as if he didn't hear Li Laogen calling him.

"Look at you bastard, you don't care about your own cubs."

Liu Jingyun sarcastically said that her words were very insulting, which meant that Sang scolded Huai, Li Sihui and Li Jianguo as wolf cubs.

"Who do you scold?"

Li Sihui stopped suddenly and turned around, staring at Liu Jingyun coldly.

"What? You still want to hit me?"

Liu Jingyun's sharp eyes saw that the village head Zhao Yaozu had already looked this way, so she put her hands on her hips and yelled at Li Sihui proudly.

Don't look at her as a stepmother, but a stepmother is also a mother. If Li Sihui beat her in public, the village chief couldn't ignore her.

"Who do you scold?"

Li Sihui suddenly snarled, and under Liu Jingyun's astonished gaze, Li Sihui raised her hand, and slapped Li Lanni who was gloating behind Liu Jingyun.

One slap was not enough, four or five slaps were made in succession, with bang bang bangs, each slap made her face swollen.

"If you keep your mouth dirty, I'll beat you."

Li Sihui sneered and scolded Li Lanni, who was covered and turned away by her beating.

The others were far away, including the village head Zhao Yaozu, who didn't hear what Li Lanni said?

But everyone heard Li Sihui's words clearly, Li Lanni must have scolded her, that's why she did it.

"Mom, my nose is bleeding."

When Li Lanni came to her senses, she realized that there was a stream of heat coming out of her nose. She reached out and wiped it, and it was full of blood.

She was so frightened that she cried at the time, and her ears are still ringing. She was beaten badly.

"I fought with you."

Liu Jingyun opened the five-fingered golden hook to scratch Li Sihui. After all, she is not as young as Li Sihui, and naturally her speed is not as fast as her.

The person disappeared in the blink of an eye, and when he looked back, he saw his son raising a hoe and viciously hitting Li Sihui on the head. He wanted to kill her like that.


Zhao Yaozu held up the horn and yelled loudly.

Li Sihui took advantage of the opportunity to hide behind Li Laogen. Li Guozhu was so fast that he couldn't hold back his strength at all. Seeing that the hoe was about to hit Li Laogen on the head, he was so scared that he said "Oh my god!" and covered his head.


Li Sihui cursed and kicked Li Guozhu's lower abdomen.


Li Guozhu screamed in pain, clutching his stomach and rolling on the ground.

"Can your old Li's family stop the village? They all go back, and everyone deducts one day's food."

Zhao Yaozu was so angry that he slapped each other directly and punished them all.


Li Jianguo was reluctant to part with the little food, and would starve without it.

"Listen to the village chief, let's go home."

Li Sihui just didn't want to go to the field, and she still had to learn to sing, which wasted time by going to the field to work.

"Village chief, you can't withhold food! Our family was almost starved to death."

Li Laogen ran over to beg the village chief, and he suddenly felt that he had been cheated by his daughter again.

(End of this chapter)

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